
adj.  任意的(等于discretionary);自由决定的


  1. Research of the Conception of Legal Evidence and Discretional Evaluation of Evidence; Approach the Connotation of TCM Theory about Preventing and Treating Emotional Diseases in Neijing
  2. Test on Asymmetry of Discretional Fiscal Policy Effects in China
  3. Automatic counting controller can enactment the quantity of printing discretional which it is can automatic stopping while severing material.
  4. Necessity and Feasibility: the Establishment of the Principle of Discretional Evidence
  5. The result shows that the listed companies audited by "Top4" have lower discretional accruals and more significant relationship with stock return and future profitability.
  6. From the origin of discretional evaluation of evidence up till now, a set of rather perfect restraining has been come into being to give a limit before, during and after discretion.
  7. A Preliminary Discussion about Discretional Evaluation of Evidence under the Verification Mode in China; Freedom and Regulations of Discretional Evaluation
  8. Simulation Research on Aircraft and Landing Gear Model under Discretional Landing States
  9. On Authorized Legislation and Governmental Discretional Power in Social Insurance Legislation
  10. This model can predict creep curves at discretional temperature and stress.
  11. By analyzing Hwang's multi-proxy multi-signature scheme, a security weakness, that is, the signature of discretional message was forged, can be found.
  12. The focus of this part is in the basic characteristics of the discretional right of prosecution.
  13. The risks of marginal efficiency of steel investment will be evaded in discretional economy policy.
  14. This article analyzes the security problem of discretional access control operating system application running on mandatory access control operating system and puts forward a kind of security policy oriented application.
  15. The theoretical and practice foundation of the discretional right of prosecution are elaborated detailed in this part.
  16. By analyzing the manner of adjudication through evidences and the factors influencing the adjudication, this thesis tries to explore the nature of judiciary proceedings, especially the essential connotation of the system of discretional evaluation of evidence.
  17. Analyses on and Legal Control of Discretional Behavior in Administration
  18. Discretional Acts in Drug Administration Disfigurement and Countermeasures on the Function of Industry and Commerce Administration
  19. Benefit-balance in Utilizing Administrative Discretional Right The establishment of the subject system in China should be directed by Benefit-Balance theory.
  20. Based on analysing the discretional access control, and mandatory access control, this paper puts forward a scheme of implementing B1 level database security characteristics, which can be available for improving the database security in an intelligence automation system.
  21. This paper represents the tendency of the development of system of evidence in the world that the combination of discretional evaluation of evidence and rules of evidence which we should adopt.
  22. Discretional evaluation of evidence is the cornerstone of fact finding in modern litigation of the continental law system.
  23. Discretional Evaluation of Evidence and Independent Judgment
  24. The chapter supposes that the judgment of the probative force of evidence should combine discretional evaluation with necessary restrictions.
  25. According to discretional idea, mechanism of motion blur was analyzed. Mathematical model of degeneration and restoration were established by means of Z transform.
  26. The discretional evaluation of evidence by judges depends on the evidence rules, in which the distribution of the burden of proof occupies the most important place that decides the judgment.
  27. In fact, there are many problems in our justice-identify-conclusion examination, such as the flaws with discretional evaluation system, the disorder of identifying institutions, the adverse effect of the poor quality of judges and poor judicial environment to the objectivity and scientificity of identify-conclusion.
  28. This inherent shortcoming of the law can be made up by legislation, giving more discretional rights to the judges or judicial explanation.
  29. First of all, the author analyses the concept of the the standard of proof system in litigation through legal truth, discretional evaluation of evidence and burden of proof.
  30. Discretional non-prosecution is the principle manifestation for the office of the public prosecutor to exercise the discretional power.



  1. having or using the ability to act or decide according to your own discretion or judgment
    1. The commission has discretionary power to award extra funds

    Synonym:    discretionary