The tax cut is widely disparaged by senators from both parties as a budget gimmick. 两个党派的参议员们普遍对作为预算噱头的税收削减嗤之以鼻。
And it doesn't hurt that the new boss, President Barack Obama, has encouraged citizens to consider public service& a marked contrast to predecessor George W.Bush, who disparaged government. 这种情况并没有对新老板有什么伤害,反而鼓励市民多考虑公共服务&这个与前总统的政策形成鲜明对比。
The notion that children's taste in toys might somehow be genetically determined has long been disparaged by psychologists, pooh-poohed as unscientific, sexist or both. 孩子们对玩具地喜好在某种程度上是由基因决定的,这个说法长期遭到心理学家的鄙视,被认为是不科学的,或是有性别歧视的,或者两者兼而有之。
They really disparaged women in ways that are cruel and heartbreaking, Parkin said. 帕金说:人们以残忍和令人心碎的方式污蔑女性。
Although such techniques are often disparaged and reviled, in my view they have on balance helped farmers immensely, and are certainly crucial to understanding the modern agricultural world. 尽管这些技术常常受到贬低和责骂,但在我看来,它们对农业的生产经营者起到了巨大的帮助,对理解现代的农业世界非常关键。
Mr Spitzer's staff found e-mails in which Merrill Lynch analysts privately disparaged the stocks they were publicly touting and discovered that mutual fund sponsors were allowing hedge funds to profit from sleazy trades that cut returns for small investors. 斯皮策的手下发现了一些电子邮件,在这些邮件中,美林(MerrillLynch)分析师私下里贬损那些他们公开吹捧的股票,并发现共同基金管理者允许对冲基金从损害小投资者利益的肮脏交易中渔利。
Orlando is here, and the Magic cannot be disparaged. 魔术队在此,并且他们不容轻视。
MACROECONOMISTS are widely disparaged for getting most things wrong, but really it is a wonder that they know anything at all. 宏观经济学因为总是给出错误结果而一直饱受鄙视,但是实际上值得一问的是他们到底知道什么。
She disparaged her student's efforts. 她贬损她的学生的努力。
Finally, she disparaged his physical attributes, adding that'I am surprised Jackie stayed with me for so long. 最后,她还着意对丈夫的身体素质贬低了一番,说我很奇怪杰姬居然跟我在一起这么长时间。
Vocational education has been so disparaged that its few advocates have resorted to giving it a new name: "career and technical education"( CTE). 职业教育受人冷眼,因此其少数的拥护者寄希望于将职业教育改名为“职业生涯与应用科学教育”(CTE)以改变现状。
Homeowners 'withdrawal of equity to spend on consumer goods during the bubble has become widely disparaged as the house as ATM. 泡沫时期房屋业主抽取抵押资产净值用于购买消费品的行为饱受诟病,被斥为把房子当作自动取款机。
In economics, ecology and other disciplines, Roe argues, those making tough decisions in the field are disparaged as practising agency science. 罗指出,在经济学、生态学等学科中,那些在现场做艰难决定的人被贬低为在实践事务性科学。
The Haitian people recognize all of these women who are the pride of our so often disparaged country. 海地人体认到,每位女性都是这个我们经常鄙视的国家的骄傲。
As a bear, he is the ugly duckling and underdog who will be disparaged, dismissed and, eventually, triumphant. 作为一直熊,他是一个卑微的人和一个失败者饱受别人的贬低、解雇但最终获得了胜利。
I was once in a meeting where somebody not in the meeting sent an IM to the person sharing their desktop that openly disparaged one of the other meeting participants. 我曾在参与的一个会议中看到,某个没有参会的人向共享桌面的人发送了一条即时信息,其中对某个参加会议的人有不敬之词。
However, in the value system of the traditional translation studies, these translators as well as their translations have been long disparaged. 然而,在传统翻译理论的价值体系中,这些译者及其译作素来受到贬抑。