The FSA told the press that Citi gave profits "undue importance" and cultivated a "law-evading sales system that disregards the laws and regulations of Japan." 日本金融厅对媒体称,花旗“过于看重”利润,而且培育了一套“无视日本法律法规而逃避法律的销售体系。”
The myth is based on anecdotal evidence that disregards the many times that elephants have shown no fear of mice as well as the times they have been startled by other animals. 虽然大象是被其它动物惊吓过,但是这个有趣的传说还是忽略了一个事实,那就是大象从来没有对老鼠表现出过恐惧。
The JSF specification completely disregards exception management, placing its responsibility entirely on the servlet container. JSF规范完全忽视异常管理,将责任完全放在servlet容器上。
This asks for a numeric comparison only and explicitly disregards non-numeric join matches. 这要求进行数值比较,并且显然不接受非数值连接匹配。
The parser doesn't care about whitespace or comments, so the scanner disregards them. 解析器不关心空白或注释,因而扫描程序会忽略了这些。
DB2 for z/ OS disregards the internal encoding declaration in the XML document header when CCSID UNICODE for MIXED DATA is specified and treats the content as UTF-8. 在指定了CCSIDUNICODEforMIXEDDATA时,DB2forz/OS忽略XML文档头中的内部编码声明,把内容当作UTF-8。
Please help us stop the Yulin Festival of eating dogs in Guangxi province. It is bloody and disregards life, a petition on the US White House website was titled. 美国白宫请愿网站上就有这样一条请愿:请帮助我们取消既血腥又无视生命的广西玉林狗肉节。
This is because the compiler disregards the qualification of the shared member and treats it as if it were accessed directly through the class. 这是因为编译器会忽略对共享成员的限定,并认为是直接通过类访问了它。
These scandals indicate that tolerating bribes because "every other business is doing it" cements old-boys networks and selfishly disregards the needs of the public. 这些丑闻揭示了因为“其他的每家企业都这么做”而容忍贿赂的行为,巩固了私人关系网络,并自私地忽视公众的需要。
The practice of medicine that disregards scientific theory and relies solely on practical experience. 只凭实践经验而无视科学理论的用药。
This assumption disregards many other factors such as the genetic contribution of the sperm and the determining forces of our environment. 这种假设忽视了许多其他的因素,如精子遗传和后天环境的决定性影响。
The budget is unrealistic in that it disregards increased costs. 这个预算不合实际,因为忽视了增加的费用。
Bohemian: a person with artistic or literary interests who disregards conventional standards of behavior. 放荡不羁的:文化人对艺术和文学感兴趣,不混同世俗标准和行为的人。
Don't be surprised if your pup tries to wiggle away, bite the brush, yelp when you trim its nails, shake its head wildly as you clean its ears or disregards your commands. 如果你的狗狗试图逃走,咬梳子,修指甲时大喊大叫,清耳朵时不停摇头或不服从你的命令,那你也不用感到吃惊。
She was deeply wounded by his disregards. 他的漠视深深伤害了她。
Facts demonstrate that the Commission is already implementing a policy line which not only disregards the outcome of the public consultation, but also compromises the existing rule of law and flouts the right of defence, their letter says. 他们在信中表示:事实表明,欧盟已经开始实施的政策,不仅无视公开磋商的结果,而且违反了现有法律,视贸易保护权如儿戏。
The Ming Hui seems to hate him particularly and disregards his behind set of pursuing people to chase the young guy, and slightly fend the attacking settles from the pursuing people. 明辉好像对他分外仇恨似的,置追在身后的人于不顾,在年轻人身后穷追不舍,连那些追击他的人对他的攻击,都只是闪避了事。
During the flight he may take necessary measures of restraint against a person who disturbs the order in the aircraft, interferes with the normal work of crew members and disregards any warning; 在航空器飞行中,对扰乱航空器内秩序,干扰机组人员正常工作而不听劝阻的人,采取必要的管束措施;
The scanner disregards surface details, such as fingerprints, lines, scars, and dirt, as well as fingernails, which may grow or be cut from day to day. 扫描仪不是采集表面信息,例如指纹、、和尘土,比如象指甲,它可以每天会成长或剪断。
The enterprise investment management method of approval by governments all at levels and related departments according to investment scale disregards investors, capital source and project nature. 彻底改革现行不分投资主体、不分资金来源、不分项目性质,一律按投资规模大小分别由各级政府及有关部门审批的企业投资管理办法。
This will look harmless to the user who recognizes the URL he is familiar with, and simply disregards and following'tricked'code which would be encoded and therefore inconspicuous. 这看起来无害的人承认他是熟悉的网址,根本不顾及下面的“欺骗”的代码进行编码,因此不显眼的用户。
Conventional analysis of ISAR image is based on image intensity or amplitude information and disregards its phase information. This will result in theoretical resolution can ′ t been obtained. 传统的雷达高分辨率ISAR图像分析都是基于图像幅度或强度信息,丢弃了相位信息,从而使实际雷达分辨能力达不到理论分辨水平。
Conflict law does not mean to pursue conflict justice only and thus disregards material justice. 冲突法并非仅仅追求冲突正义而不关注实质正义。
The ratio of machine's operating load is one of the applications of dynamic programming whose model disregards fund and time value utility of output value. 机器的高低负荷分配问题是动态规划的应用之一,但该问题的动态规划模型一般都没有考虑资金、产值的时间价值效应。
It neglects even disregards individual life value, regards the life like to be worthless; 它忽视甚至无视个人的生命价值,视生命如草芥;
It is an imprudent attitude that the "New Proposal" has adopted towards Mongol letters and their variants, an attitude which completely ignores and disregards the Mongol philological tradition and the existing achievements of Mongol linguistics. 其著者对蒙古文字母及其变体所采取的是一种完全无视、脱离蒙古语文学的传统和蒙古语言学现有成就的很不慎重、很不科学的态度。
It is the heel of Achilles of Myth-Archetype Criticism that It disregards the value of esthetics and auther's personality, and is an incomplete inter-culture study. 但忽视文本审美价值和作家的个性、跨文化研究的不彻底性则是神话-原型批评的阿基硫斯之踵。
The rule doctrine interpretation paradigm is an interpretation theory that follows the rule doctrine and gives interpretation in strict accordance with the literal meaning of provisions of the criminal law and disregards the objectives and the results of the interpretation to the criminal law. 规则主义解释范式是指奉行规则主义,严格按刑法条文的字面含义而无视刑法解释的目标与结果的一种解释理论。
A translation, which disregards the differences between cultural backgrounds, runs the risk of being unintelligible. Therefore, in film title translation, both the linguistic and cultural factors should be taken into serious consideration. 如果一个翻译不考虑文化背景的差异,就有可能无法理解的危险。所以在电影片名翻译中,语言学与文化因素都要被严谨的考虑。