
英 [ˈdɒgməz] 美 [ˈdɑgməz]

n.  教义; 教理; 信条; 教条


  1. N-VAR 教条;信条;教义
    If you refer to a belief or a system of beliefs as a dogma, you disapprove of it because people are expected to accept that it is true, without questioning it.
    1. Their political dogma has blinded them to the real needs of the country...
    2. He stands for freeing the country from the grip of dogma.


  1. Mr Breeden argues, sensibly, that managers should treat collaboration and creativity as techniques rather than dogmas.
  2. And to myself I can say that, because progress is unalterable, many of today's dogmas will have vanished by the time they grow into adults.
  3. But, above all, I hope for a world free of the economic dogmas that invaded the thinking of many and were presented as absolute truths.
  4. The financial crisis and economic downturn have forced world leaders to recognize that the old thinking and dogmas were flawed.
  5. That is a somewhat curious dogma, but it is one of their dogmas.
  6. Thus a perverse mentality has been created among many students; instead of showing an interest in china's problems and taking the party's directives seriously, they give all their hearts to the supposedly eternal and immutable dogmas learned from their teachers.
  7. We should flexibly adjust the strategies according to actual situations, instead of believing in dogmas.
  8. Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology;
  9. Morgan had committed a kind of sacrilege in dissolving all these hallowed dogmas into thin air.
  10. Further, some of these ideas may be true, but by refusing to challenge them we do them a great disservice& we treat them as dogmas.
  11. Instead people act in part upon the basis of myths, dogmas, ideologies and self-baked theories.
  12. The old assumptions, arguments, dogmas, and vocabulary no longer match the realities.
  13. On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics.
  14. Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.
  15. As an indigenous religion, Taoism has imfluenced Chinese people deeply, and its dogmas don't conflict with socialist harmonious society.
  16. God was one thing, these man-made dogmas another.
  17. One of the great dogmas that plague modern thinking is the idea that belief in God is irrationally based only on faith and sentiment.
  18. England inherited the worst dogmas and dogmatists of the women's movement from america.
  19. Geniuses in the impenetrable depths of abstraction and pure speculation, situated, so to speak, above all dogmas, propose their ideas to god.
  20. At some time someone is supposed to have invented a God and sundry dogmas and to have led humanity around by the nose with this wish-fulfilling fantasy.
  21. Are the churches locked into their separate dogmas?
  22. Fear of offending established dogmas has been an obstacle to the growth of astronomy and geology and other physical sciences;
  23. Ron Paul, a libertarian from Texas, is only too happy to challenge party dogmas, such as reflexive support of Israel.
  24. The technique of writing is to literature as dogmas are to the church the occupation with trivial things by trivial minds.
  25. In the four Gospels we find the personality and teachings of Jesus but very little of the dogmas of the Christian church.
  26. These dogmas are old-fashioned.
  27. Nowadays, a man may tell the world it is as silly as it is solemn, that all its methods are still infantile and clumsy and its dogmas childish assumptions, without much physical danger.
  28. You can't embrace a religion without accepting its dogmas.
  29. At first, Quine argued against the two dogmas of empiricism about analytic-synthetic distinction and verification ( reductionism).