So why do we hear about Indian brides getting murdered or severely punished by the groom's family when her dowery is not sufficient? That's not money driven? 那我们怎么听说,在印度如果女方嫁妆不够,新娘会被杀或是受到男方家庭的粗暴对待?这就不是钱导致的了?
The next program was to move dowery, they began to move out of the hall after the couple. 下一个节目是亲戚朋友帮忙搬嫁妆,大家开始跟着新人陆陆续续往外走。
Gosh, when parents realize that they might get a huge dowery for the hand in marriage of their rare daughters, girls may be in vogue again. 天啊,他们知道自己不能给出足够的嫁妆后他们会珍惜女孩,女孩会成为一种潮流。