v. 排空; (使)流光; 放干; (使)流走,流出; 喝光; 喝干 n. 下水道; 排水管; 下水道孔盖; 消耗; 耗竭; 耗费 drain的第三人称单数和复数
V-ERG 排出;(使)流出 If you drain a liquid from a place or object, you remove the liquid by causing it to flow somewhere else. If a liquid drains somewhere, it flows there.
Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines... 矿工们开凿了一条地道,以排出矿井里的水。
Now the focus is on draining the water... 现在的重点是把水排走。
Springs and rivers that drain into lakes carry dissolved nitrates and phosphates... 流入湖中的泉水和河水携带了溶于水的硝酸盐和磷酸盐。
The water slowly drained away, down through the porous soil. 水慢慢流走了,渗入了疏松的土壤。
V-ERG (使)流干;(使)排干 If you drain a place or object, you dry it by causing water to flow out of it. If a place or object drains, water flows out of it until it is dry.
Vast numbers of people have been mobilised to drain flooded land... 大量的人力被动员去排干受涝的土地。
The soil drains freely and slugs aren't a problem. 土壤排水畅通,鼻涕虫就不会造成什么麻烦。
V-ERG (使)(水分)滤去,滤干 If you drain food or if food drains, you remove the liquid that it has been in, especially after it has been cooked or soaked in water.
Drain the pasta well, arrange on four plates and pour over the sauce... 将意大利面中的水分滤干,放在4个盘子里再淋上调味汁。
Wash the leeks thoroughly and allow them to drain. 彻底清洗韭葱,再沥去水分。
N-COUNT 下水道;排水管;阴沟 A drain is a pipe that carries water or sewage away from a place, or an opening in a surface that leads to the pipe.
Tony built his own house and laid his own drains. 托尼自己盖了房子并铺设了下水管道。
...storm drains. 排洪管
VERB 喝干;喝光 If someone drains a glass, they empty it by drinking what is in it.
Pamela drained her glass and refilled it. 帕梅拉喝完后又续了一杯。
V-ERG (使)(脸上血色)消失,消退 If the colour or the blood drains or is drained from someone's face, they become very pale. You can also say that someone's face drains or is drained of colour.
Harry felt the colour drain from his face... 哈里觉得他脸上的血色在消失。
Thacker's face drained of colour... 撒克面无人色。
Jock's face had been suddenly drained of all colour... 乔克的脸突然变得煞白。
His usually florid complexion seemed drained of colour. 他通常红润的脸色看上去没有了血色。
V-ERG (情感)消失,消散 If a feeling drains or is drained out of you, it gradually becomes less strong until you no longer feel it.
And then, suddenly, the euphoria began to drain away... 随后,狂喜的感觉突然开始消失了。
She felt the tension drain out of her... 她感到紧张情绪在消失。
The happiness and the excitement had been drained completely from her voice. 幸福和激动已经完全从她的声音中消失了。
VERB 使精疲力竭;使心力交瘁 If something drains you, it leaves you feeling physically and emotionally exhausted.
My emotional turmoil had drained me. 纷乱的情绪让我心力交瘁。
V-ERG (使)(精力)耗尽 If energy drains or is drained from you, you lose all energy and become very tired.
As his energy drained away, his despair and worry grew... 当他的精力耗尽时,他的绝望和担心也增加了。
I can help resolve conflicts that drain energy. 我可以帮助解决消耗精力的冲突。
Engine oil cannot be disposed of down drains. 发动机油不能被清理到下水道中。
The soil drains freely and slugs aren't a problem. 土壤排水畅通,鼻涕虫就不会造成什么麻烦。
Tony built his own house and laid his own drains. 托尼自己盖了房子并铺设了下水管道。
That won't flush out all the sewage, but it should unclog some stinking drains. 那样做虽不能将污物全部冲掉,但应该能疏通一些散发恶臭的排水管。
The clearing of rubbish and drains is still incomplete 垃圾与污水的清理工作还未完成。
They had been called in to clear drains after local people reported a foul smell 当地居民举报闻到恶臭气味后,他们被叫来清理排水沟。
The expense drains us of all our income. 这笔费用把我们所有的收入都花光了。
Drains achieve a ready egress of the liquid blood. 引流能为血液提供一个容易的出口。
The emulation drains much of host system's resources. 模拟器会消耗宿主系统的大量资源。
FLUID WASTE TREATMENT& DISPOSAL EQUIPMENT waste matter carried away in sewers or drains. 废(污)水处理和排放设备下水道或排水沟排出的液体废物。
One can see the different drains and source, along with the gates used to control the current. 你可以看到不同的源和渠,伴随用来控制电流的门。
Me and my dad worked these drains for years. 爸爸和我多年来一直在这些下水道里工作。
The stream had scoured a channel. Drains and gutters require to be flushed. 那溪流冲出了一条水沟。下水道和阴沟必须冲洗。
Vents and drains with valve are also shown wherever required. 需要时,还显示了带阀门的通风孔和排水装置。
Being with people drains me. 和人相处让我精疲力尽。
There are studies that show prolonged exposure to this energy weakens and drains the immune system. 有研究表明,长期接触这种能量的免疫系统衰弱和水渠。
Drains and gutters require to be flushed. He washed the wound with a disinfectant. 下水道和阴沟必须冲洗。他用消毒药水冲洗伤口。
All the vents and drains shall be kept open till the lines are fully drained. 管线完全排空之前,所有通风孔和排水装置应保持打开。
A system of watercourses or drains for carrying off excess water. 河道或管道排除多余的水的系统。
The drains were all blocked up with dead leaves. 下水道完全被落叶堵塞了。
Dike flow of spilled material using soil or sandbags to minimize contamination of drains, surface and ground waters. 以土壤或者沙袋堤防泄漏物,将对下水道,地表水和地下水的污染危害降至最小。
The floor needs a good wash. Drains and gutters require to be flushed. 这地板要好好冲洗一下。下水道和阴沟必须冲洗。
Drains and gutters require to be flushed. The water had worn a channel in the rock. 下水道和阴沟必须冲洗。水把岩石冲出了一条沟。
Because we are "radiators not drains", we will not be so chicken. 因为我们是“散热器”而非简单“排水沟”,所以我们不会那样胆怯害怕。
The stab wound or incision for the drains must be adequate. 一个戳创或为引流而作的切口必须恰当。
The drains got silted up again with mud and bits of twigs. 排水沟被淤泥和细枝堵塞了。
It drains them of their energy, their enthusiasm, and self-esteem. 工作消耗了他们的能量,热情和自信。
That ditch drains water from the swamp. 那条沟排出沼泽中的水。
The leaves clog our drains in the Fall; The water pipe is backed up. 秋天树叶堵塞了我们的排水沟。