
英 [ˈdriːmtaɪm] 美 [ˈdriːmtaɪm]

网络  梦中时光; 梦幻时期; 梦幻时代; 梦幻时光; 梦想期



  1. Spiritual tests are first passed in the nonphysical and have to do with dreamtime understanding of compassion and unity awareness.
  2. Now dreamtime has expanded to become global again and run through each major chakra center upon earth.
  3. The heart chakra is the dreamtime of non-conditional love.
  4. We wish now to define the purpose of each chakra center and the dreamtime upon the land therein.
  5. Full consciousness is a biological level of awareness in which one understands inside of form the nature of one's reality, and all that one understands as soul in the dreamtime realms.
  6. Such a vibration will not allow for the astral to exist any longer as a new dreamtime of unity, honor and non-conditional love has been anchored in its place.
  7. Such love can be best experienced in the dreamtime in the heart region of earth.
  8. This is the gift of being surrounded in dreamtime; the nonphysical is accessible with ease.
  9. One can intend to connect and collectively utilize one's field to ground the region that one lives and clear out violent and non-resonant dreamtime planes of reality in collaboration with earth.
  10. The subconscious is one's dreamtime reality while asleep.
  11. This allows one to spin a flower of life pattern in both the space without and space within in the chakra system subtle bodies and dreamtime light body self.
  12. You experience more of the Greater reality in your dreamtime than you do in the illusion which is your daily existence.
  13. The dream for earth's ascension along with all ascension in all dimensions is broadcast through a parallel dreamtime in each region.
  14. The heart is the director of dreamtime for the surface of the earth.
  15. For one cannot command the grounding of one's region or the clearing of violent dreamtime planes if one is not connected oneself to earth.
  16. Mother never understood that this was my dreamtime place.
  17. There are 8 planes of dreamtime that correlate with each of the 8 global chakras upon the surface of the earth.
  18. From the heart center, the first flower of life patterning for dreamtime is projected interconnecting all others that lie under each of the seven additional chakra regions of earth.
  19. If they were supportive and loving in the physical, often they were belligerent and argumentative in dreamtime.
  20. Religion linked the aborigines to the land and nature through ancestral beings who, according to Aboriginal beliefs, created the world in a time long ago called the dreaming, or dreamtime.
  21. Fantasy realities are another type of dreamtime that humans have constructed out of their feelings of separation and rejection from earth.
  22. Once there were Great Human Masters that understood the entire dance of soul, evolution, dreamtime, and the nonphysical multidimensional dance of your creation.
  23. Intend that your dreamtime self visit the healing temples for ascension tonight and every night to receive the support and nurturing that Terra is offering to each ascending human.
  24. One cannot move towards full consciousness without becoming conscious of the inner landscape or dreamtime.
  25. Often such intentions are made in dreamtime rather than through conscious choice in the physical.
  26. One can then intend to anchor the new dreamtime of peace and unity in place of the dissonant dreamtime that is leaving.
  27. Such dreamtime was often used to mutilate fields and strip records.
  28. The shark or animal then attacks as it is invaded by entities that are violent, and generally associated with the violent dreamtime of mankind.
  29. This allowed dolphins and whales to suddenly open up to a dreamtime reality that had previously been unavailable to their species in the consciousness of the individuated forms.
  30. I intend to visit the Healing Temples for Ascension each night during dreamtime.