Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap. 雨水从他的棒球帽帽檐上滴落。
He was holding a cloth that dripped pink drops upon the floor. 他正拿着一块布,布上粉红色的水滴落在地板上。
The rainwater dripped through a crack on the ceiling. 雨水从天花板的裂缝中滴下。
The snow on the roof melted and dripped down. 屋顶上的雪化了,滴答着水。
What he said that dripped with false sweetness. 他的话中充满了虚情假意。
Sweat dripped from his face. 他脸上的汗水直往下滴。
The drops dripped off the laurel leaves. 月桂叶上的水珠一滴滴往下滴。
At the same time it wet itself: the chair was soaked and some dripped on to the floor. 同时一泡尿直淋,淌满了一椅子,又滴到地上。
Dripped in huge, dark drips. 巨大一滩,暗郁的滴液。
Rain fell on the roof of the barn and dripped steadily from the eaves. 雨落在谷仓顶上,不停的从屋檐上滴下来。
The plate dripped on the floor and smashed into little pieces. 盘子掉到了地上,砸成了小碎片。
The rain dripped down from a leak in the roof. 雨水从屋顶的裂缝中滴漏下来。
I had no handkerchief, but feeling with my fingers I washed away where the dried blood had been, with rainwater that dripped from the canvas, and wiped it clean with the sleeve of my coat. 我没有手帕,只能用手指摸摸,然后蘸着帆布上滴下来的雨水,用袖子揩干净那些血迹。
Her voice dripped sentimentality. 她的声音中流露出伤感。
Girl crying, tears dripped onto a lavender ground, the results of a miracle happened and slow absorption of lavender purple hair for girls, the girl's hair also returned to its original golden. 女孩哭了,泪水滴落到了薰衣草地上,结果奇迹发生了,薰衣草慢慢吸收了女孩头发的紫色,女孩的头发也恢复了它本来的金色。
Which dripped continuously from the high dome above them. 水从高高的圆顶上不间断地滴下来。
In Gibbon's models, blood dripped over a wire mesh to expose it to oxygen. 在吉彭的机器上,血液滴穿一个金属网,使血液暴露在氧气之中。
Lace also seems to have dripped from every possible place. 蕾丝也在每个可能垂下的位置上随处可见。
He grinned, and saliva dripped down his hairy chin. 他张口大笑,口水顺着他多毛的下巴往下流。
Most of the time, they looked into each other's eyes as the rain dripped down their faces. 大部分时间他们互相凝视着对方的眼睛,任雨水从他们的脸上掉落。
He got out of the shower and dripped water onto the floor. 他洗完淋浴出来滴湿了地面。
Sweat dripped into her eyes. 汗水流到她的眼睛里。
He dripped a few eye drops into his eyes. 他往眼睛里滴了几滴眼药水。
She watched the wax as it dripped down the side of the candle. 她注视着蜡从蜡烛的边上滴落下来。
Her voice dripped false sweetness. 她的声音甜甜的,很虚伪。
Sam dripped on his coat. 山姆滴在他的外套上。
Drew dripped the drink from the dipper, but he did not drink a drop. 德鲁从现影液容器中滴下液体,但是他一滴也没喝。
Melted plastic from the overhead compartments dripped onto the seats down below, he said. 熔融的塑料从间接到舱室滴注的席位楼下,他说。
I accidentally dripped paint from the brush. 我不小心让画笔滴下颜料。
The boy dripped with rain. The sightseers got drenched with the sudden rainfall. 这个男孩被雨淋得湿透了。观光者被突如其来的大雨淋透了。