People want to get away from the drudgery of their everyday lives. 人们想摆脱日常生活中单调乏味的工作。
To promote the development of the development zone, and a staff members have more drudgery and refine system, a vigil for more than a year, hard work, and achieved great success. 为推动开发区的发展,他和开发区干部职工一道,熬更守夜苦干,细化制度,勤奋工作,一年多来,成绩斐然。
The authors offer useful tips to take the drudgery out of eating and living right. 本书提供的有用建议使得遵循正确的饮食和生活之道不再是件苦差事。
The bad news is that it will probably not be able to free my colleagues or me entirely from the drudgery of working for a living. 坏消息是它无法将我和我的同行们从努力工作以求生计的苦海中解脱出来。
Automating processes can remove unnecessary drudgery, but should never be a way of escaping due diligence. 自动备份过程能够去除不必要的枯燥工作,但是不应因此而变得懒惰。
In so doing, it removes the drudgery from JDBC programming so that you can focus on queries and their results. 这么做之后,就消除了JDBC编程的繁琐,从而使您可以把注意力放在查询和查询结果上。
Were it for work and drudgery it would be endlessly long. 若是为工作和劳役,生命就变得无尽的漫长。
I suffer through drudgery every day. 每天我都在服苦役。
A boss makes work drudgery, a leader makes it interesting. 老板使工作枯燥,领袖使工作有趣。
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams. 即使社会上充满了虚伪,劳苦与碎梦。
Gone will be the drudgery and drag of life as you know it, and if you have any concept of what paradise is like you may have just an impression of what it is like. 你们所知道的单调沉闷的工作和被生活拖着走将一去不复返,如果你们对天堂是什么样子有概念的话,关于它像什么你们可能有一点点印象。
This drudgery makes me drowsy. 这乏味的工作让我打瞌睡。
All it takes is a roof, a gutter and a tank to lift the poor out of drudgery. 让穷人摆脱苦工只需要一个屋顶、一个檐槽和一个水箱。
Boredom and drudgery are evil. 无聊而单调的工作是有害的。
Every day feels like drudgery; doing the same old thing again and again and again. 每天都觉得在做份苦差事,一次又一次地做着一件相同的事。
He spent his life in pointlessly tiresome drudgery. 他的一生都在做毫无意义的烦人的苦差事。
The creative spark that had been buried under dishes, diapers and drudgery now flamed into life. 一直埋没于杯盘碟子,尿布和杂务之间的创作火花现在迸发出生命之光。
Since its inception, it has been designed to shield developers from the drudgery of developing a persistence infrastructure. 从一开始,它就被设计成让开发人员逃避开发持久性基础设施的苦差事。
If something is drudgery, I either drop it or find a way to make it play. 如果当某件事情变成苦差,我会放弃做这件事情或找一些方法让它变成娱乐。
Many caregivers told me that their experience was dissolving, through simple drudgery, their fear of death. 许多照顾者们告诉我,通过简单的劳累,他们的经历正在消除他们对死亡的恐惧。
It has also substantially reduced both our own drudgery and our dependence on that of others. 它还明显减少了我们自己的繁琐劳动,以及我们对其他人劳动的依赖。
Washing machines take the drudgery out of laundry. 洗衣机把洗衣工作带出了洗衣房。
Why do humans choose to live off of one another enslaving others to drudgery so that one can be "privileged"? 为什么人类选择了依靠彼此奴役他人做苦工而使某些人成为特权者来生活?
In other cases, the wider use of simple machines could reduce drudgery and improve efficiency. 在其他情况下,更广泛地使用简单机械可以减少单调的苦工并改善效率。
Electronic information retrieval will remove much of the drudgery of research and leave time for the more interesting. 电子寻找信息能解除研究中大量辛苦乏味的工作,省下时间做更为有趣的事。
The drudgery of your actions shall cast a net within which you shall be trapped. 你们的行动的苦工将投下一张网,你们会被困在其中。
Are you in love with this drudgery? 你这么喜欢这份苦差事吗?
We cannot hope for cheap food, but we can improve skills, boost productivity, reduce drudgery and enhance people's quality of life. 我们不能把希望放在廉价食品上,但是我们可以改善技能,促进生产力,减少单调的苦工,并提高人们的生活质量。
He was facing a life of toil and drudgery and vexation. 摆在他面前的是终身的苦役和折磨。
I thought feminism was about liberating women from enforced domestic and maternal drudgery. 我想妇女运动目的是使妇女从家庭及做母亲的辛劳中解放出来。