
英 [ˈdwɪndlz] 美 [ˈdwɪndlz]

v.  (逐渐)减少,变小,缩小


  1. VERB (数量上)减少,缩小
    If something dwindles, it becomes smaller, weaker, or less in number.
    1. The factory's workforce has dwindled from over 4,000 to a few hundred...
      工厂雇员总数已经从 4,000 多人减少到几百人。
    2. Exports are dwindling and the trade deficit is swelling...
    3. He is struggling to come to terms with his dwindling authority.


  1. This has to do with flexibility and the ability to alter the actual service provider who implements a service once their quality of service dwindles or they fail to provide the required functionality.
  2. Soil moisture severely dwindles.
  3. HONG KONG& As demand dwindles, steel prices in China have fallen 12 percent in the first five weeks of this year, almost as much as in all of 2014.
  4. Failing health dwindles ambition.
  5. Rates are rising, as depression psychology dwindles.
  6. The water level has dropped as the source river dwindles, much of Lin county has dried up again and upstream pollution makes the water unpotable.
  7. The voice died away and ceased, as an insect's tiny trumpet dwindles swiftly into silence.
  8. Moreover, the moment the client firm of the guarantor becomes creditworthy in its own right, it will end the relationship with the Guarantor at just the point when the risk surrounding it dwindles.
  9. Greece will this month launch a multibillion-dollar bond in the US in its hunt for new investors, selling itself for the first time as an emerging market country as demand for its debt dwindles in Europe.
  10. As the supply of migrant labor dwindles, the workshop of theworld is embarking on a migration of its own.
  11. The impact of cash-for-clunkers will fade, however, as the number of those eligible and willing to participate dwindles.
  12. Over time, this telomerase dwindles and eventually the telomere shortens and the cell becomes inactive.
  13. Prices for copper in both London and New York Futures exchanges have gone up as worldwide supply dwindles.
  14. An internal sense of righteousness dwindles into an external concern for reputation Clinical Application of Intracardiac Echocardiography in Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
  15. It could now face a bank crisis as household confidence in its banks dwindles, while unemployment will hover above 20 per cent this year.
  16. Then in this Yuan coexistences, does not have the time as if which the standard, many values judgements all dwindles, the design domain activity and its develops whether has some kind intrinsic, the inevitable criterion, the direction and the criterion?
  17. It is also found that the increase of damping of the cable dwindles the frequency bandwidth of large-amplitude vibrations and reduces the amplitude of vibrations, but enlarges the tension fluctuation.
  18. The expropriation influences the choice of financing pattern, leads to high concentration of ownership, impairs rights and interests of small shareholders and affects the efficiency of corporate governance, thus dwindles the value of corporation.
  19. In the urban development, the model performances of survival crisis are the tendency that the city space expands infinitely and the city land resource dwindles increasingly along with a series of contradictions initiates from this.
  20. The total need at hybrid rice market dwindles steadily, and market competition has become fierce.
  21. As regard to sea-fishing, more than 90 areas of coastal waters in our country in fact has little resources to use at present, and far sea-fishing area dwindles greatly.