Ironically, the way to cope with dysfunctional "politics" is to engage others, not avoid them. 但颇具讽刺意味的是,应对不良“政治斗争”的方法是与身边的人加强往来,而不是躲着他们。
Rude kids make her wonder whether the family is dysfunctional, among other things, she says. 她说,粗暴无礼的孩子让她想知道除了其它原因外,这样的家庭是否出了什么问题。
Dysfunctional institutions can also be a hindrance, although these have been improving lately. 制度运转不畅也可能是一种阻碍,但最近情况有所好转。
Hyperprolactinemia is mainly related with dysfunctional liver, spleen and kidney; 高泌乳素血症的发生主要与肝、脾、肾三脏功能失调有关。
You two have the most dysfunctional idea of love I've ever seen. 你俩的兄弟之情是我见过得最不正常的了。
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of mifepristone on dysfunctional uterine bleeding during peri-menopausal period. 目的:观察米非司酮治疗围绝经期功能性子宫出血的临床疗效。
Yet, to date, we have become only more politically dysfunctional. 然而,迄今为止,我们的政治运行不良状况却变得更加严重了。
I'm sorry that I'm so dysfunctional. 我对我程序紊乱表示道歉。
All functional politics may be alike, but each dysfunctional government is dysfunctional in its own way. 所有功能正常的政治体系可能是相似的,但每个功能失调的政府各有各的失调方式。
Objective To observe the Integrative Treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding in perimenopausal clinical effect. 目的观察中西医结合法治疗围绝经期功血的临床效果。
People should salute Camilla for her courage in marrying Charles, in spite of her weird and dysfunctional family. 人们应该向卡米拉对她的勇气,查尔斯结婚,尽管她的怪异和不健全的家庭。
Which expression was used in Downing Street to describe the dysfunctional relationship between Tony Blair and Mr Brown? 下面哪个表达方法用于唐人街来描述托尼.布莱尔和布朗之间的关系失调?
This is a groundbreaking development for the dysfunctional secondary market. 对功能失调的二级市场来说,这是一个具有突破意义的动态。
ROBERTS: Genetically we are all sort of dysfunctional in this way, so it became our pursuit. 从遗传角度来讲我们都在这方面有所欠缺,但这也成为了我们一生的追求。
Monica is dysfunctional because of her breakup with Richard. 莫妮卡因为和里查德分手而萎靡不振。
Japan a despondent country with a dysfunctional political system badly needs change. 日本这个带有非正常政治体系而沮丧中的国家急切需要变革。
Sometimes society is best served by liquidating a dysfunctional company. 有时,让机能失调的企业进入破产清算对社会最为有利。
No, I don't know if she was dysfunctional, you know? 不,我不知道她是不是很蹩脚,你明白吗?
It's the isolation, rejection, and loneliness these kids feel in their broken and dysfunctional families. 它的孤立,排斥,这些孤独的孩子感受到其破裂和家庭。
Answer: The selection of the wrong criteria can result in serious dysfunctional consequences. 答:错误的选择了标准将会导致严重的不良后果。
They know how easily group process can become dysfunctional. 他们知道群体作用会多么容易使机能失调。
But sometimes it's just that they are too dysfunctional to leave each other. 但是,他们生活得太不和谐了,最终还是分开了。
The dysfunctional nature of the banking system means that intermediation between lenders and borrowers has broken down. 银行体系功能失调的现象,意味着提供贷款者与借款者之间的中介已经失灵。
I think I didn't have a value system because I came from a dysfunctional family. 我觉得因为我出身于一个不正常的家庭,我当时并没有一套价值体系。
The result is a dysfunctional global industry. 结果就是一个机能失调的全球产业。
Communication within the family includes both verbal and non-verbal communication, and can be healthy or dysfunctional. 通信在家庭包括语言和非语言的沟通,才能健康或精神失常。
Dante: well, we have something in common. I have a dysfunctional family too. 但丁:嗯,看来我们有些地方不尽相同。我也有一个那样的家庭。
Even our most dysfunctional habits are manifestations of this basic goodness. 即使我们最紊乱的习惯也是这种基本良善的体现。
Third, the political system seems as dysfunctional as its healthcare. 第三,美国的政治体系似乎与其医疗体系一样功能失调。
Dysfunctional family dynamics could be used to teach you some tough life lessons too. 健全的家庭动力学可以用来教你一些生活的经验教训太强硬。