
网络  杂家; 折衷派; 折衷主义者; 情报博采学; 折衷法学派


  1. Meanwhile, the inclusive quality of the Eclectics also became the main reasons why the meanings of Eclectics transformed in the bibliographical works after the Book of Sui: Record of Classic Works.
  2. This thesis, based on the acquired studies of pre-Qin philosophers 'learning, the present research inadequacy and also the academic divergence, endeavors to offer a new definition for the pre-Qin Eclectics, beginning with the historical textual research on bibliography.
  3. Although they themselves are not aware of it, the Eclectics practically make an academic school in pre-Qin ideological history.
  4. In short, the study of pre-Qin Eclectics is an enlightening and thought-provoking way to understand the historical transformation of various traditional Chinese cultural forms.
  5. Textual research of Eclectics in the Middle and Late Warring Period
  6. The author hereby provides 30 amendments to the defects and errors in the Eclectics Category in the aspects of the authors 'names, native places, imperial civil examinations, official careers and the contents of their works.
  7. The scholastic precursors have made a lot of amendments to these problems, and there are much more defects in the Eclectics Category of Zi Radical.