
英 [iˈkɒlədʒɪst] 美 [iˈkɑːlədʒɪst]

n.  生态学家; 生态保护论者



BNC.16806 / COCA.11275



  1. 生态学家
    a scientist who studies ecology
    1. 生态保护论者
      a person who is interested in ecology and believes the environment should be protected


      1. N-COUNT 生态学家
        An ecologist is a person who studies ecology.
        1. Ecologists argue that the benefits of treating sewage with disinfectants are doubtful.
      2. N-COUNT 环境保护主义者;生态保护论者
        An ecologist is a person who believes that the environment and natural resources should be preserved and used in a sensible way, rather than being wasted.
        1. In the opinion polls the ecologists reached 20 per cent.


      1. Ecologists argue that the benefits of treating sewage with disinfectants are doubtful.
      2. In the opinion polls the ecologists reached 20 per cent.
      3. Primate behavioral ecologist Sylvia Amsler observed groups of male chimps patrolling the edges of their territory and targeting rivals for brutal killings.
      4. You're listening to Rebecca Lewison. She is a conservation ecologist at San Diego State University.
      5. We may be sitting on a precipice of a major extinction event, said Douglas J. McCauley, an ecologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a co-author of the new research, which was published on Thursday in the journal Science.
      6. But now an ecologist argues that the effects of climate change will be more complex than has been acknowledged& and that there may even be a reduction in the incidence of some infectious diseases.
      7. That's marine ecologist Carl Safina.
      8. They swim, eat and sleep together," the ecologist added. "The hippo follows the tortoise exactly the way it followed its mother.
      9. The reinstatement work should include the supervision or monitoring of a competent ecologist.
      10. Is your biology teacher an ecologist?
      11. Another scientist who has extended his stay away from his institute is Zeng Fuping, an agricultural ecologist.
      12. The term that the radical historian and ecologist Ivan Illich ( 1926-2002) used in his wide-ranging book tools for conviviality was "the multiple balance".
      13. To test ant rationality, Stephen Pratt, a behavioral ecologist at Arizona State University in Tempe, and a colleague designed a series of possible nests for26 ant colonies.
      14. As an ecologist, I have a dream: travel arround the work and discover the miracles of the nature.
      15. Careers in this field include ecologist, conservationist, taxonomist, horticulturist, agronomist, plant geneticist, and many others.
      16. "This research helps us to better understand how family dynamics influence development," said researcher Fritha Milne, a behavioral ecologist at the University of Western Australia.
      17. It was a pearl and it's really very painful to see it dying, said Professor Yossi Loya, an internationally renowned coral ecologist.
      18. "Although GM risk funding is increasing, it's far from being enough," says Wei Wei, an ecologist at CAS's Institute of Botany, in Beijing.
      19. "This is really not the unusual thing that people are trying to make it into," said Robert Meese, an avian ecologist at the University of California, Davis.
      20. Ecologist who looked for patterns in nature regarded food as an organizing influence in communities.
      21. Will Turner, an ecologist and director of conservation priorities at Conservation International, a US-based campaign group, said: "The clear message is that we degrade ecosystems at our own peril".
      22. "Reasons" in the United States of contemporary social ecologist James O'Connor ecology study of Marxist academic works.
      23. But plant ecologist Jiang Gaoming from the Chinese Academy of Sciences persuaded the villagers of Bayinhushu to reduce sheep and goat numbers, and to stop open grazing.
      24. Happily, his brother Barbazoo, an ecologist, keeps close watch over his activities!
      25. No forest ecologist or desert ecologist would ever consider describing what goes on in those communities without ever having visited them.
      26. Although much is known about how birds migrate, insect migration is more mysterious, says ecologist Martin Wikelski of Princeton University in New Jersey.
      27. Saturation of a biotope is of special interest to the ecologist.
      28. Taking the vegetation of Siertan wetland as the study object, the stability of the vegetation was determined using the method proposed by French ecologist M.
      29. But when I told an ecologist I know, she was horrified.



      1. a biologist who studies the relation between organisms and their environment