I saw him doing ecstasy in the toilets. 我看见他在洗手间吃***。
My father was in ecstasy when I won my scholarship 我获得奖学金时父亲欣喜若狂。
She went into ecstasies over actors. 她对男演员们着了迷。
One wondered what heights of ecstasy the winner reached. 人们想知道胜者欣喜若狂到了什么程度。
Therefore let your visit to that temple invisible be for naught but ecstasy and sweet communion. 因此,就让你对无形寺庙的朝拜,成为一种狂喜和亲切的心灵交流吧。
M.Gillenormand first passed through all manner of anguish, and then through every form of ecstasy. 吉诺曼先生先经受了一切痛苦,继而又品尝了各种狂喜。
"Our moments of ecstasy have become far too intermittent," she continued. “我们之间狂喜的时刻太断断续续了,”她继续说。
Joy never, ecstasy forever. 他们从不感到欢乐,但经常心醉神迷。
Detecting his emotion, Pearl clapped her little hands, in the most extravagant ecstasy. 珠儿发现了他的激动,在极度狂喜之中,拍起了小手。
Dionysus walked across the tropic of cancer, his pain and ecstasy is on fire. 狄俄尼索斯走过北回归线,掀起痛苦和狂喜。
I clung to ecstasy because I had never been like this before. 我贪著那种狂喜,因为我从来不曾有这样的经历。
When you are in ecstasy, sometimes God appears as a father or mother. 当你在三摩地时,有时上帝像父亲或是母亲一般地出现。
It is that heavenly anguish that the saints speak of when they are seized with a divine ecstasy. 这是圣徒们所说的那种悟出神意,欣喜若狂时的神圣的痛苦。
I stop in ecstasy before the twilight. 我满心狂喜在黄昏中驻足。
The flow of information goes one way only: downward. His ecstasy to the pop music is unbelievable. 信息的流动是单向的:只是向下属发号施令。他对流行音乐的入迷是令人难以置信的。
But his eyes shone strangely, as though he saw something that kindled his soul to ecstasy. 但是他的眼睛却闪着一种奇异的光辉,仿佛看到了某种点燃他的灵魂、使他心醉神迷的东西。
Alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than marijuana or ecstasy, according to a new British study. 根据最近英国一项新研究显示,酒精和烟草的危害比***或***更大。
He listens to the music with ecstasy. 他出神地听那音乐。
The brothers who dance in ecstasy and make the world dance in His name! 两兄弟入迷地跳起了舞,让世界在他的名字下跳起了舞来!
Her image had passed into his soul forever and no word had broken the holy silence of his ecstasy. 她的形象永远进入了他的灵魂深处,任何话语都不能打破他的狂喜中那圣洁的寂静。
You have been reported to the police that you had "ecstasy" when you were dancing. 警察:有人举报您在跳舞时服食“***”。
And once both these two are there together, you are balanced, and your life will have a new flavor, a new joy, a new ecstasy, which knows no bounds. 一旦这两个同时在那儿了,你就平衡了,你的生活就会有一种新的味道、新的喜悦、新的狂喜,没有止境。
Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough. 在生活中寻找极度的喜悦,那种纯粹的感觉&活着就足够快乐了。
You can easily get ecstasy in it, sometimes I feel it's just like watching the sea. 你可以看它看得出神,有时候觉得就像看海。
Forget about the agony and ecstasy of faith. 忘了信仰的苦闷和极乐境界吧。
My mind became keen and still like a pointed flame, my senses swooned in ecstasy. 我的心思变得强烈而镇定,像一个尖尖的火焰。我的感官在狂欢中昏晕。
Tree blossoms come out at once. Again, he felt a crude ecstasy. 这时树上的花儿立刻开了。他又一次从心眼儿里乐开了花。
You're not happy with your ecstasy theory? 你对你那一套理论不高兴?
I felt my head, in an ecstasy of spiritual self-forgetfulness, sinking on his shoulder. 我觉得自己在忘我的精神陶醉中,把头倒在他肩上。