
英 [ˈediz] 美 [ˈediz]

n.  (空气、灰尘或水的)旋涡,涡流
v.  起旋涡; 旋转


  1. (水或气流的)漩涡,涡流
    An eddy is a movement in water or in the air which goes round and round instead of flowing in one continuous direction.
    1. VERB 起漩涡;旋转;杂乱无章地移动
      To eddy means to move round and round, or to move in a disorganized way.
      1. The dust whirled and eddied in the sunlight...
      2. The crowds were eddying into the road.


    1. It seems that The Thirteenth Tale carries the readers along a turbulent river, with unexpected eddies and waves you can't escape.
    2. The zone was moved again fractionally to the west on Monday, based on a reassessment of ocean drift taking into account a more circular counterclockwise current and eddies than in the earlier search zone to the south.
    3. Errors and uncertainties multiply, cascading upward through a chain of turbulent features, from dust devils and squalls up to continent-size eddies that only satellites can see.
    4. Newsmakers need to understand that the swirling eddies of news are not tiny pools on the shoreline.
    5. Strong eddies and powerful current effects can be found, particularly on large-volume rivers.
    6. What eddies exist may be small, turbulent, or difficult to reach.
    7. Observation and study of the circulation and meso-scale eddies in the upper layer of the South China Sea in the summer of 1998
    8. Hulot's team argues that the growth of these reversed patches, presumably eddies that are working against the primary motion of the core, can explain the current decline in the dipole field.
    9. The unseen dark plays on his flute and the rhythm of light eddies into stars and suns, into thoughts and dreams.
    10. Analysis of the Structures and the Mechanisms of the Cyclonic Eddies to the Northwest of Luzon Islands
    11. It is shown that the growth of ridge over the Ural Mountains tends to organize transient eddies into the region upstream from the central North Atlantic to the coastal western Europe.
    12. Turbulence is an extraordinarily complex three-dimensional flow which is unsteady, inerratic and composed of eddies.
    13. You went into far Ku-to-yen, by the river of swirling eddies.
    14. Looking for small eddies in films may be fun, but scientists look to intermediate-sized eddies for a deeper understanding of turbulence.
    15. Mike told him if he was really his friends, then he should go spend the night at Eddies.
    16. Too much attention should not be paid to eddies of United States opinion.
    17. Meridional heat transfer by large-scale eddies is most significant in the upper troposphere of middle latitude.
    18. Are eddies nature's trigger to enhance biological productivity in the Bay of Bengal?
    19. In the most intensely turbulent flows, we can often discern a semblance of order through the disorder of the eddies.
    20. The effect of the applied weak steady direct current electrical field on potential differences around abdominal aorta of rabbit sheath ( circuit) eddies
    21. Spring winds to-day are blowing in wild eddies, driving dust and dead leaves away, and with them your lessons are all lost.
    22. From dust devils and squalls up to continent-size eddies that only satellites can see.
    23. Study of Mesoscale Eddies in the Subtropical Ocean of the Northwest-Pacific and Adjacent Area; P wave velocity structure in the crust and upper mantle beneath northeastern South China Sea and surrounding regions
    24. As eddies and waves, our lives do have a certain uniqueness, but they are also the stuff of a larger whole expressing itself in ways that ultimately surpass our comprehension.
    25. A vortex, as of a whirlwind or whirlpool. The viscous force constantly drains eddy energy and limits the population of eddies.
    26. Viscosity overwhelms the smallest eddies and converts their energy into heat.
    27. There is a pair of "kidney eddies" on the vertical section of the outlet of effusion hole, and the "kidney eddies" will moves into the main flow when the blowing ratio is increased.
    28. The viscous force constantly drains eddy energy and limits the population of eddies.
    29. Commanders look to cruise in cold-water eddies or just below boundaries between seawater layers, each of which can help refract sound away from the ocean surface.
    30. But their work appears to merge in the study of large eddies.