
英 [ˈiːdɪkts] 美 [ˈidɪkts]

n.  法令; 命令; 敕令


  1. N-COUNT 法令;敕令
    An edict is a command or instruction given by someone in authority.
    1. In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for Buddhism...
    2. He issued an edict that none of his writings be destroyed.


  1. Western governments have issued endless edicts in response to the 2008 crisis: bank capital standards have been raised, tougher penalties introduced for wrongdoing, bank bonuses placed under scrutiny, and so on.
  2. But last year many government departments and state-owned enterprises cancelled year-end office parties after a flurry of edicts from Beijing.
  3. But they were often interpreted by my team as religious edicts and caused people to either blindly follow instead of lead or just get annoyed.
  4. Such policies may be imperfect, admits Prof Grant, but they are better than vague edicts to work less.
  5. When times are good, these companies thrive, taking advantage of being more lightly regulated and less vulnerable to edicts from regulators and requests from local government and party officials.
  6. But the capital adequacy police should be aware that they are pushing against powerful incentives to evade their edicts.
  7. There is always some spurious rationale for the edicts harmonisation, protecting consumers, preventing abuses and so forth.
  8. Imperical edicts could deal with very varied matters.
  9. The confucianized imperial edicts came into being in the period of Emperor Wu and became the model imperial edict style in the ancient society.
  10. Israel's ultra-Orthodox minority has long been at odds with the Jewish state's highest judicial authority over edicts which some devout Jews say interfere with their religious lifestyle.
  11. Mr Pan complains thatsepa cannot effectively push through central edicts because it does not directly employ environmental personnel at the local level.
  12. Instead of seeing its edicts smoothly enforced, Beijing has to grapple with tens of thousands of protests each year in towns and villages across the nation.
  13. The Senate could only be convened when Romulus called for it, and once assembled, the senators merely sat in silence and listened to his edicts.
  14. A prohibition by court order. Edicts were issued against engrossing the market.
  15. Beijing has managed to get its way in Lengshuijiang, to a degree that is rare in the rest of the country, where green edicts often fall on deaf ears.
  16. Many think that the EPA is a left-wing wrecking operation and Mr Obama's hitherto willingness to approve its edicts characteristic of his job-killing attachment to unnecessary regulation.
  17. The "Ziweiruanjia" and the imperial edicts The four characters "ziweiruanjia" were written by the Xianfeng, emperor of Qing Dynasty.
  18. This agency will issue edicts ( orders) or commands as to how much of each good and service should be produced, exchanged, and consumed by each economic unit.
  19. The political and social status of the Confucianism has been greatly improved in the Middle Western Han Dynasty, which also was manifested in the imperial edicts.
  20. The point now is that a series of command-economy edicts has flipped this pattern around.
  21. Imperical edicts could deal with very varied matters. His selfless spirit is revealed in every thing he does.
  22. Edicts were issued against engrossing the market. On account of this, his house was always full of peanuts.
  23. I was puzzled that so many companies seemed to be able to issue peremptory edicts to their managers to reduce costs, or headcount, and see these edicts fulfilled.
  24. You know, if you think something is important, really worth while, you give your heart to it irrespective of governments and the edicts of society-and then it will succeed.
  25. We see our roles as being mentors to you, and as overseers of the edicts entrusted to us by Heaven.
  26. So while Beijing announces the latest edicts in a loud voice, local governments undermine that policy in whispers.
  27. A large quantity of imperial edicts, orders and inscribed books promulgated and issued by the Heavenly Kingdom of Taiping were used mainly in Hakkas folk literature styles, and in the form of colloquialism, dialect, slang and Hakkas ballad.
  28. During the dynasties of feudal autocracy, the imperial edicts namely government decrees are important basis for state activities.
  29. Two copies of the imperial edicts, written to the english Emperor George ⅲ by King Qianlong in the Qing dynasty, are famous documents for historians of China's foreign relations and trade before the Opium War.
  30. The imperial edicts also related increase, and be included in song dynasty peculiar legislative activities "making up" in the miserable.