In a single effortless motion, he scooped Frannie into his arms. 他一下子就轻松地把弗兰尼拥入怀里。
She liked him above all for his effortless charm. 她最喜欢他身上那种与生俱来的魅力。
The whole ethos of the hotel is effortless service. 该酒店的全部理念就是提供轻松的服务。
His movements were so graceful they seemed effortless. 他的动作优美自如,看起来毫不费劲。
His effortless calligraphy has an unconventional grace of its own. 他的书法,信笔写来,十分超脱。
In fact, with a little preparation and planning it can be quite effortless. 事实上,小小的准备和计划就可以做到轻松旅行。
She wowed audiences with effortless, powerful and peerless vocals. 她的歌声毫不费力,富有力量且无与伦比,一次次博得观众的赞叹。
The song is sweet and sincere in a very effortless manner. 这首歌以一种轻松写意的态度表现出甜美诚挚的情感。
I can take the money I save and re-invest it in Effortless English. 我能将我存的钱再投入到轻松英语业务中去。
When I started Effortless English, I was making very little money. 当我开始轻松英语的时候,我只赚取了很少的钱。
Brahms found that ideas came effortless only when he approached a state of deep daydreaming. 勃拉姆斯发现只有当他陷入一种深深的幻想状态时,各种想法才会毫不费力地泉涌而出。
The swallows glided in an effortless way through the busy air. 燕子在热闹的天空中轻松的滑行。
Suddenly he slowed his long, effortless jog trot up to the steep. 他突然放慢了他那长时间毫不费力的地稳步前进的步伐,迈上了陡峭的路段。
He played the piece with effortless artistry. 他游刃有余地演奏了这首乐曲。
From Germany-from Kassel-with all science and effortless. 来自德国-从卡塞尔-与所有的科学和轻松。
The Siberian Husky's characteristic gait is smooth and seemingly effortless. 哈士奇的标准步态是平稳轻盈和看起来毫不费力的。
Think of these systems as a series of parts and pieces designed to interlink in a relatively effortless manner. 认为这些系统作为一个系列的零件和碎片旨在互联在相对轻松的方式进行。
Wingtip Dual inflation zippers: To inflate your kite with effortless input, for a safer and easier launch. 翼梢双重通货膨胀拉链:膨胀您的风筝以不出力的输入,为更加安全和更加容易的发射。
Google Reader has several features that make it feel fast and effortless. 谷歌读者有几个特点,使人感到快捷和费劲。
If properly handled, a history of long and effortless success may become a driving force. 如果恰当对待,不费力气的长时间成功的历史也可以成为驱动力。
Of seemingly effortless beauty in form or proportion. 外观或者比例看起来像是毫不费力的美丽。
Perhaps, though, this hasn't been an effortless season for you. 也许,对你来说这不是个轻而易举的赛季;
She plays with seemingly effortless skill. 她演奏得似乎毫不费力。
But the dream of effortless prosperity was shattered by the global financial crash. 不过,全球金融危机打碎了“轻松创造繁荣”的梦想。
You may fall, but your airborne moment will appear effortless. 你可能会摔跤,但是那一刻你悬浮空中看起来毫不费力。
An effortless compassion can arise for all beings who have not realized their true nature. 你会对那些还没有证悟真性的人,自然地生起慈悲心。
Spark offers designers and developers a seamless way to customize the visuals and behaviors of a Flex component in a much more direct and effortless manner. 借助于Spark,设计师和开发者可以更加直接和高效的方式无缝定制Flex组件的可视化元素与行为。
Fast: faster experiences are more efficient and feel more effortless. 快速:更快的体验是更高效的,花费更少的精力。
I can define my style as adventurous fashion forward that comes to me instinctively with an effortless appeal. 我可以定义我的风格为冒险时尚,因为那是我与生俱来的。
However, learning English is not effortless like we imagined. 然而,学英语不是像我们想象的简单。