
v.  安置就位;安放;放列;使(火炮)进入阵地


  1. The great majority of gold deposits in North China platform are hosted by the Archeozoic strata or emplaced in the Yanshanian magmatic intrusives of the Archeozoic strata.
  2. Granites emplaced at deeper crust levels are unlikely mineralized due to a close or near-close magmatic system and lack of elemental and energy exchange with their country rocks.
  3. The Rapidly Emplaced Hydraulic Arch Barrier, made of the same material as the other two devices, can be put in place around a plugged breach to keep it sealed and dry once the PLUG has been removed.
  4. A statue of a soldier was emplaced in the square.
  5. Near the border zone an important string of nickeliferous peridotites is emplaced.
  6. Lane Control Network Through the Measurement and Accurate Methods of Emplaced
  7. Nevertheless, the ore-forming materials were derived from the concurrently emplaced transmagmatic fluids instead of from the noritic magma differentiation.
  8. The serpentinized peridotites from Baleigong ophiolitic m é lange was emplaced in the southwestern Kokshal area, which represents lithosphere remnants of the Early Paleozoic Southwestern Tianshan Ocean.
  9. Zircon U-Pb dating by LA-ICPMS shows that they were emplaced at about 304 ± 2Ma, close to the formation time of alkaline granites but later than the emplacement of calc-alkaline granitoids in this area.
  10. The calc-alkaline suite is typical of those emplaced in subduction-zone environments, whereas the hyperalkaline suite is associated with major deep crustal faults.
  11. According to the isotopic dating, it was emplaced into the active continental margin in Permian, which was resulted from the eastward subduction of the Tethys sea.
  12. The characteristics of elements shows that magma of fine diorite-quartz diorites derived from the enriched mantle or lower crust undergone ocean crust subducting and dehydrating, and was formed and emplaced in the process of crust growth.
  13. The Rb-Sr isochron age of early ore-bearing breccia is 191 Ma, and the age of monzonitic granite porphyry emplaced after the early breccia pipe is 177 Ma.
  14. Different types of granites emplaced at different stages were widely formed from Hercynian movement to Yanshan movement.
  15. The gold ore related to intermediate acid intrusive which emplaced in media shallow crust have positive anomaly of K/ U and K/ Th parameters;
  16. In the terminal Middle Triassic-latest Triassic(ⅱ 2), compression was relatively relax and a great deal of crustal-derived granitic magma formed and was emplaced ( 233-210 Ma).
  17. Volcanic apparatus in the second cycle was emplaced at junction points of SN trending pull apart structure activated by sinistral strike slipping of NE trending deep faults and EW trending basement faults causing the center type volcanic magma effusion and extrusion.
  18. The emplaced sequences of the various units were likely related to magma viscosities: the more basic magma ascended more quickly, and therefore emplaced earlier.
  19. Since diwa granites in south Chi-na were emplaced in different time in an evolution series and occurred in different spaces having different tectonic nature and magma origins, the characters of granites changed greatly. So the granites must be classified.
  20. Volcanic apparatus in the first cycle was emplaced in EW trending structure activated by clockwise strike slipping of NE trending deep fault, forming the EW trending fissure type volcanic effusion belt.
  21. High-precision SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of the A-type granites indicates that they were emplaced at 222 ± 4 Ma.
  22. Various religious faiths had occupied an important position in the hearts of Chinese since the ancient times and the temples where Gods were emplaced were regarded as the sacred and inviolable places too.
  23. The pyroxenite in this study is such a special occurrence, which emplaced in the contact area between the Early Silurian granodiorite and Proterozoic basement metamorphic rocks.