If we go on expecting our daughters to be decorative and pliable and empty-headed, they'll be inadequately prepared for the future. 如果我们继续期望自己的女儿只重外表、毫无主见、头脑空空的话,她们就会对未来准备不足。
Chinese believe that most people are lost and empty-headed, so they need to accept conduct and guidance. 迷途羔羊,迷失正道的人。中国人认为人大多数是迷途而少知的,需要接受指挥和领导。
He was putting on an act to impress the empty-headed girl. 他在装模作样想让那脑袋空空的女孩觉得他了不起。
How can anyone be so empty-headed that they leave broken bottles on the beach? 谁那么没头脑,竟把打碎的瓶子留在沙滩上。
He says to me once," vashti, you're empty-headed. " 他有次对我说,“瓦实提,你真没头脑。”
But an empty-headed man acquires intelligence When the foal of a wild ass is born as a man. 12头脑空洞的人能得知识,那便是野驴的驹子生得像人了。
A stray cat was lurking outside the fish market and the owner yelled at it," Get lost!" But an empty-headed man acquires intelligence When the foal of a wild ass is born as a man. 一只野猫在卖鱼的市场前探头探脑,摊主对它大叫:滚开!12头脑空洞的人能得知识,那便是野驴的驹子生得像人了。
Compaq in ads that depicted an empty-headed sales guy in a chain store. 在广告中描写了一个在连锁店里的没有头脑的销售员,用此来尖锐地攻击康柏。
But the empty-headed being left behind is an organism, and seems to be the organism that lost its brain. 但是,留下来的空脑袋东西是一个生物活体,似乎是一个丢失大脑的生物活体。
I kept thinking I am going to run into some empty-headed noble who will try to involve me in endless, trivial small talk. 我忍不住常常想这样下去我会一直碰到一些无大脑的贵族,并老是强行把我牵扯到他们那种说不完却毫无意义的对话。