VERB 概括;概述 To encapsulate particular facts or ideas means to represent all their most important aspects in a very small space or in a single object or event.
A Wall Street Journal editorial encapsulated the views of many conservatives... 《华尔街日报》的一篇社论概述了很多保守派人士的观点。
His ideas were encapsulated in a book called 'Democratic Ideals and Reality'. 他的观点已经被概括进一本名为《民主理想和现实》的书中。
Such an adapter layer encapsulates code that uses the stub and its generated classes. 这种适配器层封装了使用存根及其生成的类的代码。
The adapter definition looks a bit strange but encapsulates a lot of functionality. 适配器定义看上去有些奇怪,但它封装了大量功能。
Database model: Encapsulates a logical and physical database design for this specific project. 数据库模型:封装供此特定项目使用的逻辑和物理数据设计。
IBM developed a user-extensible alerts processing system that encapsulates complex event ( stream) processing engines. IBM开发了一个用户可以扩展的警报处理系统,它封装复杂的事件(流)处理引擎。
This is the proper object approach: each object encapsulates its information and its processing. 以下是一种适宜的对象方式:每个对象封装自身的信息和处理。
In an OO system, each class completely encapsulates the data and behavior of a specific concept. 在00系统中,每个类完全封装了特定概念的数据以及行为。
LocalDate: This class encapsulates a year/ month/ day combination. LocalDate:该类封装了一个年/月/日的组合。
This object encapsulates the information known about the image: the src, the width, and the height. 该对象封装了图像信息:src、width和height。
Each MXBean encapsulates a single functional area of the JVM. 每个MXBean封装了JVM的一个单独的功能区。
The function request_module encapsulates the functionality of the usermode-helper API and provides a simple interface. requestmodule函数封装了usermode-helperAPI的功能并提供了简单的接口。
CommandXML& This argument is an XML string that encapsulates the update commands. commandXML&该参数是一个用于封装更新命令的XML字符串。
You define a single template that encapsulates common functionality among multiple views. 定义一个模板来封装在多个视图中常见的功能。
An XML stream is an envelope that encapsulates the exchange of XML information between two entities. XML流是封装了两个实体间的XML信息交换的容器。
A Dojo widget encapsulates visual Web components for easy reuse. 一个Dojo小部件封装了一些可视Web组件以便于重用。
Each service encapsulates specific business functionality that can be invoked through a common mechanism, namely SOAP over HTTP. 每个服务封装特定的业务功能,这些业务功能可以通过一种公共机制(即HTTP上的SOAP)来调用。
An iWidget is a browser-based component model that encapsulates web content and can participate in content presentation frameworks. iWidget是一种基于浏览器的组件模型,其封装了web内容并可以参与内容表示框架。
The model encapsulates the state of the application. 模型封装了应用程序的状态。
The core construct of AOP is the aspect, which encapsulates behaviors affecting multiple classes into reusable modules. AOP的核心构造是方面,它将那些影响多个类的行为封装到可重用的模块中。
Enabling information integration services within SOA requires additional functionality that encapsulates a federated access within a service-oriented interface. 在SOA内启用信息集成服务需要使用额外功能,以在面向服务的接口中封装联合访问。
A Flex call to a document-oriented operation sends a SOAP message that encapsulates an XML document. 而对于一个面向文档式操作的Flex调用,它会发送一个封装成XML文档的SOAP消息。
Templating encapsulates common functionality, thus dividing your views into smaller pieces. 模板封装了常见功能,进而将视图分成了更小的块。
Federated object registration: A wrapper encapsulates the data source characteristics from the federated engine. 联邦对象注册:包装器封装了来自联邦引擎的数据源特征。
ActionError encapsulates an individual error message. ActionError封装了单个错误消息。
The Bean class encapsulates the run-time type and the actual returned instance. Bean类封装运行时类型和实际返回的实例。
In this listing we see that the div with id= "stock_grid" encapsulates the actual grid. 在此清单中,我们发现带id=“stockgrid”的div封装了实际的网格。
The SOAP message body encapsulates the application-specific payload. SOAP消息体封装了应用程序特有的负载。
SOA encapsulates the organization as a service provider; it interacts with other organizations by providing and consuming services. SOA将组织封装为服务提供者;它通过提供和消费服务来同其他组织进行交互。
These create() methods return a Query object, which encapsulates a parsed query. 这些create()方法返回Query对象,这个对象封装了解析后的查询。
An abstraction layer encapsulates the data logic. 一个抽象层封装了数据的逻辑。
Encapsulates data and behaviors related to the data processed by the application. 封装数据和与应用程序处理的数据相关的行为。