
英 [ɪnˈsɜːklz] 美 [ɪnˈsɜːrklz]

v.  环绕; 围绕; 包围


  1. VERB 包围;环绕
    To encircle something or someone means to surround or enclose them, or to go round them.
    1. A forty-foot-high concrete wall encircles the jail...
    2. By 22nd November the Sixth Army was encircled.


  1. A forty-foot-high concrete wall encircles the jail
  2. A rubber band constricts what it encircles.
  3. An annular eclipse occurs when the moon does not cover the entire disc of the sun so that a ring of light encircles the shadow of the moon.
  4. The earthquakes last Friday in Japan, last month in New Zealand and last year in Chile all happened along the Ring of Fire that encircles much of the Pacific Ocean.
  5. Will forests beyond the Amazon, such as the boreal forest that encircles the Northern Hemisphere, eventually follow the Amazon and weaken as carbon sinks?
  6. Moreover, she said, the tower would only help signal the edge of the city at a time when Paris is trying to reach across the highway that encircles it to better integrate the neighborhoods beyond.
  7. A deep engraved, abstract, tribal-gothic "batesque" design encircles this pewter band.
  8. Objective: Confer the influence of the pregnancy combining with hepatitis B virus to the pregnant or lying-in woman and encircles produces.
  9. Collar: A metal component that encircles the bar and secures the weights in place.
  10. Objective The goal discussion encircles the surgery time to make up the potassium ideal time.
  11. Tourists, the Cherokee believe, like to see a Chief dressed in buckskin and ornamented with a grand feather headdress that encircles that Chief's face and trails down his back to the ground.
  12. Far more promising is geothermal energy, since Alaska lies on the "ring of fire", a string of volcanoes that encircles the Pacific Ocean.
  13. The character of enterprising closely encircles actions for ones life directions.
  14. A heavy wire fence encircles the compound a goal lined with netting ( as in soccer or hockey).
  15. The article encircles Psychrophile in the cow's milk to launch.
  16. He bulls through the press horde that encircles the car.
  17. Spectators will also be able to view a large LED screen that encircles the stadium.
  18. A chain can be permanently attached to the lead rope, as with the rope that encircles this group.
  19. But we really gather speed when we head our bikes onto the8-mile loop that encircles the island.
  20. The name of the second river is Gihon; this is the one which encircles all the land of Cush.
  21. Leaving the visitor center, follow Crater Rim Drive for11 miles encircles Kilauea Caldera.
  22. Based on application and innovation, industrial design encircles the focus of improving people's life quality and discovers new design to influence human's life style.
  23. The interaction of historical necessity and historical contingency makes historical development demonstrate the fluctuating movement which encircles the central axis from head to foot;
  24. Methods: Compare the formation rate of the premature delivery, Postpartum hemorrhage, The death of the encircles produces and complication of the pregnant or lying-in woman between the analysis group and the comparison group.
  25. This paper encircles the requirements of educational administration in the new era and discusses that educational administrators should possess: one consciousness, two spirits, three qualities, four principles and five abilities, in order to improve the qualities of educational administration leaders and their management abilities.
  26. At the same time, it also expose the cruel Fascist rules and the rank smell of blood military encircles with the punitive expedition of the Japanese invaders by the conclusive historical evidence.
  27. The entire thesis encircles the personnel system of public management practice and gives summary, appraisal and forecast to each development approach's characteristic respectively.
  28. Third chapter encircles on the foundation of VC system to simulate by using C++, and the theory analysis and discussion have been carried on, proving that the method of control is correct, effective and feasible.
  29. Especially in recent years, every city commercial bank encircles the ground in the horse race, then the expansion speed of cross-regional operation is faster and faster and the trans-regional degree is larger and larger along with some problems.
  30. This is the logical extension of the research, which focuses on the issue of "what kind leadership", i.e. what is the core issue that contemporary Chinese inter-party leadership encircles.