
英 [ɪnˈtrʌsts] 美 [ɪnˈtrʌsts]

v.  委托; 交托; 托付


  1. VERB 委托;交付
    If you entrust something important to someone or entrust them with it, you make them responsible for looking after it or dealing with it.
    1. If parents wanted to entrust their child to the best surgeons, they traveled to Bologna's medical school...
    2. He was forced to entrust an assistant with the important task of testing and demonstrating aircraft to prospective customers...
    3. They can be entrusted to solve major national problems.


  1. This is a very positive development which shows beyond all doubt the enormous force unleashed when the state entrusts individuals with freedom of action.
  2. Although the MDM Server entrusts end user authentication to the system user, it is necessary for it to know the identity of the end user in order to provision transactional and data authorization.
  3. Hold on, the one who entrusts to protet her is not general jimmy?
  4. Mr. Thomas entrusts the Bank of Paris to pay money to us.
  5. Article21if the CIRC authorizes or entrusts its local offices to implement administrative licensing, the legal time limit of administrative licensing shall not be prolonged.
  6. Entrusted production, which means that in the production of TV plays the foreign party makes investments and entrusts the Chinese party to produce it.
  7. The first party entrusts the second party with building an aluminum factory including an automatical production line.
  8. Telegraphic Transfer ( T/ T): At the request of the buyer, the local bank sends a trust deed for payment by cable directly to a correspondent bank at the seller's end and entrusts him to pay money to the seller.
  9. The client entrusts above mentioned is delivered by client visa application the material applies for to the visa the center reserves personal interview time, conduct and actions the agent of the client.
  10. Answer: after commodity house consign is used, vendee thinks main body tractor dry mass is unqualified, can according to entrusts project quality to detect about the regulation the orgnaization is new nuclear check.
  11. Bolton has little in common with the entrepreneurs to whom he entrusts his money.
  12. The client as mentioned in the present Measures shall refer to any the entity that entrusts an any agency bookkeeping institution to handle its accounting business.
  13. Where the investor of the wholly individually-owned enterprise entrusts a person in charge of the branch, power of attorney and certificate of identity of the person in charge of the branch shall be submitted.
  14. That not only entrusts profound ethical intension to obligation, but also embraces the association and unification of obligation regarding its main body, existence and value.
  15. But the cageling has abandoned the freedom which the nature entrusts with, has chosen the easy and comfortable life, who can say that is not one kind of happiness?
  16. In case the director neither attends nor entrusts others to attend the meeting, he will be regarded as abstention.
  17. The attitudes which a sick person adopts when he entrusts himself to a doctor, medicine, and nurses.
  18. And entrusts by the high-class product quality and the exquisite technical service load bearing each customer's trust.
  19. The Patent Office of the people's Republic of China authorizes and entrusts the All-China Patent Agents Association to undertake the annual examination on patent agents on their professional ethics, practice discipline, vocational training and other pertinent matters.
  20. Based on the autonomy of Party, agreement jurisdiction entrusts the determinacy of jurisdiction to the party, which may be regarded as the most effective and direct mode in determining jurisdiction.
  21. In case the warrant-issuer entrusts our company to deposit the subject-matter Securities for performance guarantee, the exclusive exercise securities account shall be appliedy to the depository of subject-matter Securities for the guaranteed performance.
  22. The designer also entrusts companies with rich experience and deepwater flare design experience to conduct specialized analysis and makes recommended measures and suggestions according to the characteristics such as deepwater development and large-scale design of the project.
  23. In case the applicant entrusts lawyers or other agents to produce application on their behalf, he shall issue a certificate of entrustment in which limit of authority shall be defined.
  24. The registered capital of an enterprise as a legal person represents the total value of the property the State entrusts to it for operation and management or that of the property owned by the enterprise itself. of or relating to the records of a cadastre.
  25. It is the bank to which the seller entrusts the documents.
  26. Remitting bank is the bank to which the drawer entrusts the collection items.
  27. I have never known a woman that works so hard to satisfy the people that entrusts her with their homes.
  28. I am unable to duplicate this feeling again, because is only you entrusts with my only.
  29. In case the complainant entrusts its agent to make such complaints, it shall submit the power of attorney accordingly;
  30. But make an excuse should request instructions if the leader, leading agreement without end now and then, the acceptance entrusts money and collects;