
英 [ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒɪŋ] 美 [ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒɪŋ]

v.  想象; 设想; 展望


  1. VERB 设想;想象;预想
    If you envisage something, you imagine that it is true, real, or likely to happen.
    1. He envisages the possibility of establishing direct diplomatic relations in the future...
    2. He had never envisaged spending the whole of his working life in that particular job...
    3. Personally, I envisage them staying together.


  1. But if to have no notion merely means that we cannot represent in imagination the oneness of being and nought, the statement is far from being true; for everyone has countless ways of envisaging this unity.
  2. Whilst she is walking across a room or whilst she is weeping at the death of her father, she can scarcely avoid envisaging herself walking or weeping.
  3. LvShiChunQiu also covers the thought of envisaging natural disasters and tackling them calmly.
  4. Understanding the history of development abroad, linking up with the specific conditions in China, and envisaging possible trend of growth are beneficial to future development.
  5. Apocalyptic expectations, envisaging the end of the world as we know it.
  6. Walk us through the design process, from first envisaging this sweeping dogleg left all the way through its construction.
  7. Educational planning in the perspective of bounded rationality should consider the following principles: envisaging the complexity of educational system;
  8. In the example on the right, envisaging a rotating crater may help.
  9. The radical outlet of envisaging and solving these problems lies in establishing the people oriented teachers'management.
  10. Success-physical-education is a teaching idea based on respecting the students 'individualities and envisaging their differences so as to build healthy personalities of the students.
  11. This thesis also expounds other means of raising funds for universities and the future trend, aiming at envisaging a reasonable hypothesis and develops new means of raising funds.
  12. Envisaging Marine Atmospheric Monitoring in China
  13. Envisaging and Deeply Thinking about the Widening Gap between Rich and Poor in China
  14. BI Shu-min's Booking Death describes the caring-the-dying affairs which has just begun in China, calling people to renew their understanding of death, envisaging death, which shows clearly the attention and thought of the writer to humanism.
  15. His existence is an alien referential system of Chinese feudal rite and traditional culture order, and it incarnates Lu Xun's double solicitude about straight envisaging and transcending the reality.
  16. Envisaging about a plan with synthetical handle line of KEEP-FRESHNESS of orange
  17. Envisaging the Rationality of the Income Differences Among Civil Servants in Different Sectors
  18. Thus the realistic choice of current tax policy is to envisaging the restrictions and to quest for the working space of tax.
  19. Envisaging Clone and Respecting Life
  20. Technology Acquisition of Power Cables from Abroad and Envisaging of Technical Development of Power Cables Towards the 21st Century in China
  21. Among of them, envisaging contradiction is the cognition precondition of Constructing socialism harmonious society, solving contradiction is the continuing process of Constructing socialism harmonious society, interests coordination is the practical requirement of Constructing socialism harmonious society.
  22. Envisaging the deficiencies of traditional impactors, a new mechatronic nitrogen explosion impactor based on pressure feedback is presented.
  23. We should eliminate the prejudice against the shadow, re-examine the characteristics of the shadow, interpret its charm, change our aesthetic tendencies, establish a kind of artistic taste of embracing shadow, envisaging darkness and digging its artistic charm.
  24. The forth chapter shows reflection on the entire thesis, putting forward the idea of opening an activity course, and envisaging the task-based textbook for advanced oral activity classes.
  25. The key to these lies in envisaging contradictions, and finding effective means which can resolve them.
  26. Envisaging the network formed by a number of position points in model, due to the continuity of motion, node can predict the next position, according to its context, the present and previous positions.