
英 [ɪsˈtʃuːɪŋ] 美 [ɪsˈtʃuːɪŋ]

v.  (有意地)避开,回避,避免


  1. VERB 躲开;躲避
    If you eschew something, you deliberately avoid doing it or becoming involved in it.
    1. Although he appeared to enjoy a jet-setting life, he eschewed publicity and avoided nightclubs.


  1. These days the fund manager is eschewing scorching emerging markets in favor of the seemingly toxic ( European banks) or moribund ( Japanese companies).
  2. Some lonely Americans are eschewing ( 1) Internet dating and instead putting their faith in feng shui in a bid to ( 2) find their romantic soul mates.
  3. Your instinct for eschewing such code is correct.
  4. By eschewing side effects, you can limit the impact of certain kinds of bugs on your applications.
  5. Because ActiveRecord makes so many tasks so easy, Rails developers can often acquire a "SQL is bad" attitude, eschewing SQL even when it makes more sense.
  6. Such a strategy means you are eschewing future stock-market gains, but you have the security of knowing that your income is set for as long as you are around to spend it.
  7. Eschewing the Internet altogether is an option.
  8. He has also written dozens of other novels, novellas, and short stories, generally eschewing contemporary issues in favour of China's tumultuous 20th century history.
  9. Ever the contrarian, he attributes his prior success to eschewing the prevailing mantra of bottom-up investing.
  10. These moralists hold that the man who does not seek the pleasures of sense must be eschewing pleasure altogether, and virtuously.
  11. Mr Hawking's literary success was ascribed to his eschewing equations.
  12. Eschewing publicity he has rarely spoken in public, hardly been photographed and refused requests for interviews.
  13. They are eschewing the 80-hour working week of the investment banker or management consultant for more time with their families and more socially rewarding jobs in not-for-profit companies or government.
  14. Eschewing the heat-hazes of ego, emotion and illusion, he should seek the endless blue clarity of a frosty winter day.
  15. There is a danger that individual countries may be swayed into eschewing reform on competitiveness grounds.
  16. By eschewing risk, this model has largely proved resistant to the crisis.
  17. Most big emerging markets have been moving towards flexible exchange rates and autonomous monetary policies, enabling them to operate more independently, focusing on sound domestic economic policies and eschewing beggar thy neighbour tactics.
  18. It's not uncommon for agile teams to adopt a "requirements magically fall from the sky" mentality, eschewing efforts spent on outlining strategical product vision as un-agile.
  19. Eschewing elaborate formulations such as black ink tagliatelle with crabmeat Ragu, Greenspan opts for a more ascetic dish: Grilled swordfish with roasted organic vegetables.
  20. As more and more Chinese students study overseas, behaviour at home is changing rapidly, with young people eschewing the traditional large corporation he says.
  21. James Gorman, chief executive, told the financial times the initiative was crucial to his strategy of boosting revenues while eschewing the trading bets and investments in property and hedge funds that hurt the bank.
  22. In recent years it has seen its power eroded as state-owned industries have collapsed and the private sector has flourished, eschewing niceties such as unions and Communist Party cells.
  23. Cushioning America's downturn will demand fiscal boldness, but that does not mean eschewing simple, speedy solutions.
  24. Eschewing religion, he studied human nature scientifically, looking for the principles structuring the content of the human mind.
  25. So both Michelle Obama and Cindy McCain might be taking a risk by eschewing everyone's favorite treat.
  26. Besides, they only do certain tasks, eschewing all other work.
  27. Many Asian exporters survived this year's global economic downturn by cost-cutting and shedding part-time staff, eschewing more radical surgery in the hope of a quick rebound in global consumer demand.
  28. For more than half a century Japan behaved as the model international citizen, embracing co-operation and eschewing conflict.
  29. To respond to insult or injury by patiently eschewing retaliation.