
英 [ˈjuːlədʒiz] 美 [ˈjulədʒiz]

n.  颂词; 颂文; (颂扬死者的)悼词,悼文


  1. 颂文;颂词
    A eulogy is a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something very much.
    1. 悼词;悼文
      A eulogy is a speech, usually at a funeral, in which a person who has just died is praised.


      1. Far from recoiling from Oscar's presence, now they know its significance, relatives and friends of patients have been comforted and sometimes praised the cat in newspaper death notices and eulogies, said Dr Dosa.
      2. At a rally of hundreds of military and political leaders at an indoor auditorium in Pyongyang, senior figures delivered eulogies to the elder Mr. Kim and issued calls to rally behind his son.
      3. In his memoirs, he goes to great lengths to offer his take on many of the hottest filmmakers of our era, which is taboo unless it is padded with ingratiating eulogies.
      4. These are, however, very common funeral orations, and eulogies on deceased persons who have acted among mankind with some figure and reputation.
      5. When she died last year at the age of84, people from all walks of life were swift and generous in their eulogies.
      6. Eulogies for the company by its customers, some of them aired via Twitter, have been tinged with resentment caused by years of poor service and quality problems.
      7. The antitheses of funeral eulogies were relatively laggardly, and furthermore the number of the funeral eulogies was quite small in the Six Dynasties.
      8. "Do you know," said franz," I have a very great inclination to judge for myself of the truth or exaggeration of your eulogies."
      9. "Moreover it surpassed other books in its voluminous accounts of benevolent princes, good ministers, kind fathers and filial sons, and all matters pertaining to proper human relations, as well as eulogies of virtuous deeds."
      10. Her latest film has brought eulogies from the critics.
      11. There are the Records of the Philosophical Societies, and the public Eulogies of Great Men!
      12. Eulogies, National Day orations, speeches of condemnation, farewell addresses, etc are instances of epideictic discourse.
      13. We should write eulogies of Wen Yi-to and Chu Tse-ching who demonstrated the heroic spirit of our nation.
      14. We have all had a chance to learn a little bit about each of those who died – through stories in the media and the eulogies given in their memory.
      15. The Islet presents to the visitors the creams of both oriental and occidental cultures, and the Island of Pianos and Music Town are only two of its many eulogies for charm and romance.
      16. Liang Chen-yu created a women's world. His eulogies, sympathy and praise reflected his intense female consciousness.
      17. It asserts the so-called "epics" to be the eulogies on the paintings ( rein) used in the sacrificial rites.