N-COUNT 惊叫;感叹;感叹词;感叹句 An exclamation is a sound, word, or sentence that is spoken suddenly, loudly, or emphatically and that expresses excitement, admiration, shock, or anger.
Sue gave an exclamation as we got a clear sight of the house. 我们清楚看到那所房子时,休惊叹不已。
Uncontrollable exclamations of rage were breaking out from half the people in the room. 屋子里一半的人中就爆发出控制不住的愤怒的叫喊。
Other popular exclamations combine holy with other words. 其他流行的感叹词结合神圣与其他词。
The expressions range from mild to strong, from exclamations and oaths, to curses and swear words. 表达的范围从轻微到强烈,从感叹词和宣誓到诅咒和脏话。
Most of these exclamations have survived from earlier days. 大多数从早期流传下来的感叹词。
God is not pleased with thoughtless singing of hymns, perfunctory praying of cliches, or careless exclamations of "Praise the Lord," because we can't think of anything else to say at that moment. 神不喜欢无意识的赞美,敷衍草率、陈腔滥调的祷告,或无的放矢地喊叫「赞美主」。
A lot has been written about overuse of exclamations in emails with some people even suggesting that one exclamation mark per email is a good rule to follow. 很多读者都写到了在邮件里过度使用惊叹号的问题有些人甚至觉得每条邮件里都加一个惊叹号是个很好的习惯。
Exclamations like these come ripping out of the workshop next to my house every day: My husband is an antiques restorer who studied under a master restorer from Buckingham Palace's antiquities division. 这样的感叹每天都会从我家旁边的工坊里传出来:我丈夫是一位古董修复师,曾经师从白金汉宫(BuckinghamPalace)文物部门的一位大师级修复师。
What are the two major types of exclamations? 感叹句的两大类型是什么?
This page is peppered with exclamations. 这页充满了惊叹号。
Presently, as we blundered and floundered along, there was a sharp cry, then a storm of exclamations. 突然,正当我们高一脚低一脚地挣扎着前进时,前面传来一声尖叫,随即是一片呼喊。
It is such a big big concession that it should have been the U.S.government that made these exclamations. 其让步幅度之大,真正会对此发出惊呼的,更有可能是美国政府。
Used in exclamations expressing surprise 用於感叹句,表示惊异
No power will be able to put back the verity into these speeches, into these lives bereft of Godly intent and service, into these loud exclamations which have turned into empty shells. 没有任何力量能够将真理放回到这些言语中、放回到这些缺少神圣意图与服务的生命中、放回到已变成空壳的这些大声呼喊的人群中。
For some time nothing was heard in that chamber but sobs, exclamations, and prayers. 此时,只能听到房间里的啜泣声、叹息声和祈祷声。
They embraced with exclamations of happiness. 他们一边拥抱,一边互相喊着祝福的话。
And the fool fell to criticising everything and every one, without in the least changing his manner, or his exclamations. 于是愚人开始批评每件事每个人,他的方式或他的感叹没有任何一丝毫改变。
Using knowledge of types of sentences to discriminate between statements, exclamations, and questions. 运用句子类型的知识区别陈述句,感叹句和疑问句。
She uses exclamations such as hey and oh and informal phrases such as let's get started. 她会使用诸如嘿和哦等感叹词,还有咱们开始吧等非正式短语。
His words were accompanied by exclamations from the audience. 他的演讲引起听众的阵阵呼喊。
They embraced him with exclamations of joy. 他们欣喜地叫喊着拥抱他。
The beauty of our booth and the wonderful smiling pictures of master produced many happy faces and joyful exclamations from visitors. 美轮美奂的摊位及绽放迷人笑容的师父法相,令许多来宾们也露出微笑并发出喜悦的赞叹。
Guns are fired, the bells peal furiously, loud exclamations of delight, shouts, and a rush to get the pegs. 枪声齐鸣,钟声玎,人们发出高吭的欢呼声,叫喊声,一涌而上,纷纷去拿小木橛子。
After the will has been read out, angry exclamations aroused. 遗嘱宣读完之后,激起一片愤怒的喊声。
A word used in exclamations of confusion. 困惑时使用的感叹词。
The woman's passionate exclamations collected a crowd around her, and the trader briefly explained to them the cause of the agitation. 那妇人家愤怒的叫嚷声吸引了一大群人围在她身边。那贩子扼要地把原委向大家说明了一下。
Used in exclamations to comment on extent or degree 用於感叹句中,当言及所达到的状况或程度时
But, after panting a few times, the woman recovered her vivacity and began to ply him vigorously with exclamations and questions, beaming the while with delighted interest. 但是,几次深呼吸后,恢复活泼的女子开始了兴奋的没完没了的惊呼和提问,欢快的好奇心让这段时间充满了喜悦。
Chapter 7 observes the interjections of Contemporary Chinese from three angles: the forms of voice, functional characters and effects of expression, and discusses some special phrases commonly used as exclamations. 第七章从语音特点、功能特征和表达作用三个方面考察了现代汉语中的感叹词,并对现代汉语中常用的一些表示感叹的特殊短语一并进行了探讨。
Exclamations are widely used in literatures and everyday conversations. 感叹句在文学作品以及人们的日常谈话中有着极其广泛的使用。