
英 [ɪkˈskriːtɪŋ] 美 [ɪkˈskriːtɪŋ]

v.  排泄


  1. VERB 排泄
    When a person or animal excretes waste matter from their body, they get rid of it in faeces, urine, or sweat.
    1. Your open pores excrete sweat and dirt...
    2. Calcium is excreted in the urine and stools.


  1. Noting that the body has an exquisite system of self-regulation, excreting anything it doesn't need.
  2. Excreting: is your stool disciplinary? any complaint or constipation when defecating?
  3. Known as "water intoxication," the condition occurs when serum sodium concentration in the blood falls to dangerously low levels causing cells in the body to stop excreting water.
  4. He's excreting depleted uranium in his urine.
  5. The "Lead Excreting Milk Powder" is scientifically manufactured from the polysaccharide of seaweeds, milk-powder, vitamins, sugar and other superior nutrient materials.
  6. "Immediately afterwards two large women came up to him from behind and claimed they had seen someone excreting down onto the street from above," police said in a statement.
  7. Oxygen inhalator Ultrasonic inhalator Sputum excreting effect;
  8. They're in the toilet,'he says, noting that the body has an exquisite system of self-regulation, excreting anything it doesn't need.
  9. Lonicera confusa is the typical specie developing at karst Calcium ( Ca)-rich environment; it has the mechanism of excreting calcium by stoma of leaves to adapt the Ca-rich environment.
  10. Blood-sucking species eat large meals and consume significant energy digesting them and excreting waste.
  11. Objective To probe distribution and excreting cells of type I collagen in rat heart.
  12. There is no difference in the excreting function between low and ultra-low anastomosis.
  13. Organisms can also develop detoxication mechanism for excreting Al and the internal equilibrium protection mechanism by mutation, natural selection and self-organized latent energy.
  14. Effection Of Copper On Porcine Pancreas Islet Cell Excreting SS In Vitro Culture
  15. Methods Utilizing concentrated ammonia solution to evoke the mice cough, injecting phenolsulfonphthalein into abdominal cavity and dribbling dimethylbenzene into ears to cause the mice acute inflammatory reaction, we observed antitussive effect, accelerating trachea excreting effect and influence on acute inflammatory reaction of Kechuanning capsule;
  16. Excreting lead with garlic extract was experimented in mice, and the results obtained was compared with that by routine pharmaceuticals. The results showed that the garlic extract was able to offset the lethality of lead intoxication and to increase the survival rate of mice.
  17. 24 hours urine protein quantity, 1 hour urine red blood cell excreting rate, blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine before and after the treatment were observed.
  18. Effect and security of traditional Chinese medicine prescription on urine albumin excreting rate of type 2 diabetes
  19. Conclusions The pathogenesis of infant RV enteritis is that RV damage the fluff of small intestine, and affect the function of excreting and absorbing of intestine.
  20. Conclusions: Adrenocortical cells were the most proliferative in vitro and excreting corticosterone was at the most.
  21. Conclusions Atural taurine can inhibit proliferation, contraction and excreting CoI, FN, TGF-β_1 of HSC-T6.
  22. Our study suggested that Ranitidine could prevent upper gastrointestinal bleeding by the mechanism of decreased gastric acid excreting.
  23. Absorbing and Excreting Function of Fluorides by Silkworms and Its Influence on Fluorides Resistance
  24. Conclusion: Jiangtangbaoshen capsules can ameliorate pancreatic islets function in excreting active insulin, decrease blood glucose and HbA1c levels, and accommodate lipid.
  25. Method We detected ACE gene polymorphism and the association between ACE gene polymorphism with urinary protein excreting weight, hematuria, hypertension, azotemia using polymerase chain reaction in 186 children who suffered persistent proteinuria.
  26. By salt irritation excreting, disinfectant disinfecting and antibiotics bacteriostasis, the method for tubificidae treating was discussed.
  27. S100 β is one kind of the calcium binding proteins. As growth factor of neuraxon, it is excreted by neuroglial cell, and distributing in nerve tissue extensively. Although S100 β has very important values neurophysiological, it also has neurotoxicity with excreting overmuch.
  28. Astrocytes not only acted the major supporting cells, but also interacted with other cells through excreting regulative factors.



  1. the bodily process of discharging waste matter

      Synonym:    eliminationevacuationexcretionvoiding