They are a group of expatriates who share similar living conditions. 他们是一群生活条件相似的,长期居住海外的外派人员。
The White House petition quickly drew comments from Chinese citizens and expatriates. 白宫请愿迅速吸引了海内外华人前来评论。
My mother was born in China near Shanghai among a small community of Korean expatriates. 我的母亲出生在中国上海附近的一个韩国侨民居住的小社区。
Expatriates have started businesses in all sorts of sectors, including retail, construction and hospitality. 在香港的法国人在零售、建筑和餐饮等各行各业开办了企业。
On the other side of the issue are European nations, Japan, Australia and Canada, all of which tax people within their borders but exempt most expatriates and overseas subsidiaries from paying income taxes in their home countries. 欧洲国家、日本、澳大利亚和加拿大属于另一个阵营,这些国家在本国境内向公民课税,但是它们对大多数外派人员和海外子公司,豁免了本国国内的所得税。
Such conflicts arise not only between headquarters and local managers in the subsidiaries, but also between headquarters and expatriates from the home country nationality. 这样冲突出现不仅出现在总部和辅助者的当地经理之间,也同样发生在海外总部和母国总部之间。
Chinese always have dream to create harmonious society and always have positive attitude towards expatriates. 建立和谐的社会是中国人民的理想,所以他们总是以积极和友善的态度对待远方的客人。
In recent years a swelling number of expatriates have also moved the other way. 近年来,不断增加的外籍人士也已通过其他途径搬迁。
A Reflection of Identification of the Nationality of Overseas Chinese Residents; Most of the expatriates were home again. 对移居国外华人国籍认定问题的思考这时候大部分留居在外的人都返回国内了。
Managers in MNEs may be interested in these results when reviewing cultural training program for expatriates. 在跨国企业的经理可能对为移居国外的文化训练的课程年结果感兴趣。
Conflict between work and family is the problem faced by enterprises together with expatriates, and the conflict endangers the development of enterprises and individual employees. 来自工作与家庭的冲突成为企业和外派员工共同面对的难题,且已危及企业和员工个人的发展。
The expatriates are foreigners living and working in China for a time. 外派人员是指暂时在中国生活工作的外国人。
This policy is applied to all direct hire employees who have been signed employment contracts with this branch, including local employees and expatriates. 该政策适用于所有与该分公司签订雇佣合同而直接被雇用的员工,包括当地的员工和外籍人员。
Purpose: Support for expatriates, love of patriotic overseas, hope everyone with a family together. 宗旨:支持侨民爱国爱乡的理念,希望大家团结,同侨一家亲。
Apply for Visa for local employees; Apply for Visa, Work and Residence Permit for expatriates. 为本地员工申请签证,为外籍员工申请签证、工作许可和居住许可。
As a policy, he refuses to recruit expensive expatriates to run local field offices. 他不会招募昂贵的派驻人员去管理地方办事处,这是该组织的一项政策。
Expatriates are often visited by friends and family who then also wish to take a tour. 外派人员也经常有朋友或家人造访或探亲,这也是他们携人出游的原因之一。
Some 80 per cent of sales during the first few years came from expatriates and the diplomatic community. 在最初几年,约80%的销售额来自在中国的外国人和各国驻华人员。
In former colonial countries many people with such skills also needed to replace departing expatriates. 在原殖民地国家中,也需要许多有这种技术的人去接替那些大批离去的外国人。
If there are expatriates in your company, please list separately. 若您的员工中有外籍人士,请单独列明。
At least the Julius Baer comparisons afford some consolation for wealthy expatriates in Hong Kong. 至少,宝盛的这一比较让香港的富有外派员工感到些许安慰。
The game of institutional investing used to be played by a fairly snobbish crowd of expatriates and high-class locals. 机构投资过去是一批相当势利的外籍人士与当地上流社会玩的游戏。
Of the 2000, only 10 are expatriates. 在这2000名研究人员中,只有10名是侨民。
Us expatriates are adding flavours to the melting pot. 海外美国人正为这个大熔炉增添了新的气息。
Rated highly were its cultural compatibility with expatriates; its housing, sporting and recreational facilities; quality healthcare and first rate educational institutions. f. 其与逐出国外者的文化互换性非常被做评定了;她提供住房,体育运动和休闲设施;高质的保健和一流的教育体制。
This country has large numbers of expatriates or immigrant populations. 这个国家有大量被放逐者或移民。
Now we have quite a number of Italian and British expatriates working the year round in Wuxi, China. 我们现在有相当数量的意大利和英国外籍员工在无锡常驻工作。
The new Chinese expatriates are different. 这些新的中国侨民是不同于以往的。