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  1. In his excellent book China Airborne, Atlantic national correspondent and aviation buff James Fallows described how China is attempting to condense a century's worth of developments in aviation into a few decades.
  2. This is more maddening than the other most obvious problem, the neglect of physical infrastructure, because it would be so much easier to solve, Fallows told me in an email.
  3. James Fallows, who wrote up The Atlantic's great-inventions list ( and who is an astute student of the economic cultures of the U.S. and China) worries about the dwindling of America's publicly financed research.
  4. S.journalists such as Nicholas Lemann, author of The Big Test, and the Atlantic's James Fallows began to question whether the SATs, as the latter put it," really discover the best and the brightest?"
  5. Fallows's main argument, though, was psychological.
  6. Fallows responded that there must be a happy medium between being in China too long and being in China too little.
  7. Tom's girlfriend fallows her parents'advice to break up with him, only because his paycheck is not large enough.
  8. That integration, Fallows continued, is deep and will get deeper.
  9. The main content is as fallows: ( 1) The state-of-the-art and tendency of the automatic balance technology are reviewed, the principal difficulties and key technologies are analyzed in secession, and then the significance of this paper is discussed.
  10. Based on field observations and FEM analysis, some effective temperature control measures are proposed as fallows: lowering temperature rise due to hydration heat; strengthening curing of lining concrete in early stage and keeping insulation in winter.
  11. The failure mode of the peak acontaining skew trees fallows big landslip.
  12. The main works done are as fallows: ( 1) Designing the system with eight functional modules based on the actual survey of enterprise, knowledge of ERP systems theory, and detailed analysis of the actual needs.
  13. This paper researches the vehicles detecting technology based on video. The main research contents of this paper are as fallows: 1. This paper researches the algorithm of background extracting and updating algorithm.
  14. Aming at these problems, the thesis proposed development program of hand-held GPS navigation system based on ARM-Linux, primary studied four parts as fallows: 1. The navigation system architecture.
  15. More further studies on authentication protocol are as fallows: 1.