ADJ-GRADED 穿凿附会的;不切实际的;牵强的 If you describe a story or idea as far-fetched, you are criticizing it because you think it is unlikely to be true or practical.
The storyline was too far-fetched and none of the actors was particularly good. 故事情节太离谱,演员表演也没有出彩的。
The storyline was too far-fetched and none of the actors was particularly good. 故事情节太离谱,演员表演也没有出彩的。
These reasons are far-fetched. 这些理由都很牵强。
That seems a little far-fetched to me. 这对我来说有点牵强。
But the idea that they will produce anything like a stripped-down state looks far-fetched. 但认为这将缔造一个“瘦身”政府的想法,听上去也太牵强了。
But that is far-fetched, I objected. 可是你这么讲是牵强附会的,我不同意地说。
But such is his character and the nature of British politics that what he said may not be as far-fetched as it sounds. 但这就是他的性格和英国政治的本质:他说的话或许没有听上去那么牵强。
Of course, this is a bit far-fetched. 当然,这是有些牵强附会。
We don't need any more far-fetched ideas. 我们再也不需要什么牵强的主意。
That the planet could be populated by mutated humans is not as far-fetched as some people think. 变种的人类可能成为本行星的居民,这并非像某些人所认为的那样纯属不可及的想象。
The preceding theoretical example is not as far-fetched as it may seem. 前述的理论上的例子无论如何不是牵强附会。
However, if you have not yet reached the ideal, the success of far-fetched, you have asked themselves: I pay for their own ideals and how much effort? 但如果今天您的理想尚未达到,成功遥不可及,您是否曾经问过自己:我为自己的理想付出了多少努力?
Your tale seems far-fetched, especially as you moved to our school this year. 你的故事太牵强了,你不是去年才转来我们这边。
It was far-fetched to think that this brand is actually a deviation from the understanding. 有人牵强附会地认为这就是品牌,实际从理解上是有偏差的。
The reasoning was close and intense, but the deductions appeared to me to be far-fetched and exaggerated. 在推理上,它严密而紧凑;但是在论断上,据我看来,却未免牵强附会,夸大其辞。
Give you my love open the door with the strange, and his hand out of you, I smile far-fetched, but only turned Say Goodbye. 给我开门的是个陌生人,他的手拿开了,我牵强的笑了,说了声再见然后转身离去!
The very notion that truth would be checked by a consensus of passing conscientious browsers was far-fetched. 认为路过的尽责浏览者的共识能够核实条目真实性的想法,有些不切实际。
A riddle is a dark and far-fetched metaphor that connects things not ordinarily connected. 谜语是一种暗晦牵强的象征,把日常没有明显联系的事物联系起来。
"That's far-fetched, I am afraid." She looked at him curiously, and he felt a reproach in her gaze and manner. 她探询地望着他,从她的目光和神态里他感到了责备的意思。
It sounds like a far-fetched invention from science-fiction or fairytales. 乍听之下,这像是科幻小说或童话故事中牵强附会的发明。
If you think this is far-fetched, consider how one might study how participants in financial markets form and revise their expectations. 如果你认为上述方法太不靠谱,那就想一想:如果你要研究金融市场参与者如何形成和修正预期,你会怎么做。
It may sound "science fiction and far-fetched" but it is not. 这也许听上去象“科幻和太假”,但实际不是。
But analysts also pointed out that this kind of speculation is too far-fetched. 但分析师也指出,这方面投机,是很牵强的。
That story's pretty far-fetched. Nobody's going to believe it. 那个故事太荒唐了。没有人会去相信的。
To some, this may sound far-fetched. 对于一些人来说,这些事情听上去似乎有些不可思议。
It seems more far-fetched to believe that the US will continue to enjoy such a pleasant period indefinitely. 看起来,相信美国将无限期地持续享受这种美妙时光才是更牵强的。
It's an interesting book but rather far-fetched. 这本书很有趣,只是太离奇了点。
That's far-fetched, I am afraid. 这说法太牵强吧,我怕是。
Fear of fear in order to face and far-fetched, but could not justify sophistry. 怕就怕为了面子,牵强附会,诡辩却无法自圆其说。
What role is there for satire when real business leaders are beyond far-fetched? 当真正的商业领袖已经超越了牵强附会时,讽刺文学还能扮演什么角色?
Let me love you I love you always talk about, I will not far-fetched to say it! 你喜欢让我把我爱你,常挂在嘴边,我不会牵强说出它!