
网络  无畏; 无畏无惧; 不畏惧; 勇敢

BNC.43985 / COCA.26602


  1. He is legendary for his fearlessness and pugnacity.
  2. Fearlessness stems from selflessness.; Only the selfless can be fearless.
  3. There can come a day when the fearlessness and recklessness of youth fade away, but the memory can live forever.
  4. Fans of Batman and all things utterly heartwarming are encouraged to watch and thank Batboy in action, and the Make-A-Wish Foundation has listed the times and locations at which Miles can be spotted in his acts of fearlessness.
  5. Dr. Nash was widely regarded as one of the great mathematicians of the 20th century, known for the originality of his thinking and for his fearlessness in wrestling down problems so difficult few others dared tackle them.
  6. As Chan took notes on his iPad, Naumann talked about the qualities he thought were most essential for the school to cultivate in its students: fearlessness, communication, analytic skills and teamwork.
  7. In order to promote fearlessness at work, employers need to learn how to truly trust their workers. This will give employees more space to come up with their own solutions when things don't go as planned.
  8. A key component of wisdom is fearlessness, which is not the absence of fear, but rather not letting our fears get in the way.
  9. My fellow young female entrepreneurs always inspire me with their uncanny amount of determination and fearlessness.
  10. Lithe and smiling, proud of his "boot-shaped" and blister-proof feet, he moved on exposed rock faces with the grace of a dancer and the fearlessness of a boy.
  11. It is our duty to cultivate the spirit of boldness and fearlessness.
  12. No more would I be amazed at her fearlessness, but I would ever marvel at her enormous courage.
  13. Yet even their enemies marvel at the tuskarr's prowess and fearlessness in catching some of the most dangerous creatures in Northrend's frigid waters, including whales and giant squid.
  14. Detong, post this one and add the photo of giving of fearlessness that he composed with seals on them.
  15. It is your fearlessness of danger and difficulty who brings hope to people in desperation.
  16. Because it is the pure spirit, drive and fearlessness of Hong Hong, Hao and their lawyer friend who, I dare hope, will eventually rid these institutions of their unaccountability.
  17. Let me do not pray to get the asylum in the inclemency, But pray the ability fearlessness of face them, Let I not imprecation I of pain and sufferings will stop, But beg my heart and can conquer it.
  18. To all beings they gave fearlessness.
  19. It shows-infringing. It can show the attitude of fearlessness or infringing upon women. Women can take this posture too.
  20. Gary Renard offers a way of looking at the world that leads to fearlessness and the full flowering of the human spirit.
  21. Let us expand our wings of fearlessness and celebration
  22. He uttered the sacred mantras giving assurance of safety and fearlessness to all beings, who were only manifestations of his own Self.
  23. The problem is that as time goes by, the stress hormones and behaviors that once created fearlessness or euphoria become ineffective, then counterproductive.
  24. Of course, the most effective way to help others is by being a pillar of inner peace, strength, and fearlessness.
  25. The soldier showed absolute fearlessness of danger.
  26. Is careful, is careful! Deceives but the fearlessness, also will not have worries.
  27. His work The Nightingale and the Rose delineates his persevering spirit for beauty and his fearlessness for criticism.
  28. In The Iliad and The Odyssey, Homer extols the bravery and fearlessness of heroes.



  1. the trait of feeling no fear

    1. feeling no fear

        Synonym:    bravery