无花果 A fig is a soft sweet fruit that grows in hot countries. It is full of tiny seeds and is often eaten dried.
无花果树 A fig or a fig tree is a tree on which figs grow.
(对…)丝毫(不)在乎,完全(不)放在心上 If you say that someone doesn't care a fig or doesn't give a figabout something, you are emphasizing that they think it is unimportant or that they are not interested in it.
I do not give a fig what society thinks. 我一点儿也不在乎社会怎么想。
Try eating reconstituted dried prunes, figs or apricots. 试着吃些用水泡过的西梅干、无花果干或杏干。
When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. 到了树下,竟找不着什么,不过有叶子。因为不是收无花果的时候。
People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. 人不是从荆棘上摘无花果,也不是从蒺藜里摘葡萄。
Did you know that dried figs are a nutritional powerhouse and pack more health benefits than most dried fruits? 你知道吗,无花果干含有丰富的营养,而且和其他大部分干果相比,无花果干对身体更有益处。
The effect of ring dyeing is shown in Figs 10 and 11. 环形染色的影响如图10和图11所示。
Therefore, in Japan, figs product packaging are printed with "health food"," beauty" propaganda words. 所以,在日本的无花果产品包装上均印有“健康食品”、“美容”的宣传字样。
You know that your father was pretty fond of figs. 你要知道你的父亲是很喜欢无花果叶的。
Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried. 鲜或干的椰枣、无花果、菠萝、鳄梨、番石榴、芒果及山竹果。
We can apply them in different situations. 2 figs. 2tabs. 4 refs. 在不同情形下,对它们可以单独或组合运用。图2。表2。参考文献4。
One cannot gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles. 荆棘中采不了葡萄,蓟花中找不到无花果。
Greenish-yellow Australian oriole feeding chiefly on figs and other fruits. 主要以无花果和其它果实为食的黄绿色澳大利亚金莺。
It features an intense combination of fruity aromas of pear, figs, pineapple and bananas. 混合了梨、无花果、菠萝和香蕉等多种水果的香味。
Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. 无花果是有许多种子和成熟时分成两半。
After this colored pottery basin was found, several other colored pottery works with dancing Figs have been excavated in China. 这件彩陶盆之后,我国又陆续出土了几件饰有舞蹈纹的彩陶器。
A basket for holding dried fruit ( especially raisins or figs). 放干水果的篮子(尤其是无花果或葡萄干)。
Rich, ripe taste and aroma of plums, olives, figs, and fruit pudding mixed fusion. 丰富、成熟的口感,与李子的芳香、橄榄、无花果,以及水果布丁交织融合。
These Figs show directly the spirit of Han dancers, at the same time, reveal their tragic fate. 它们直观地展示了汉世乐舞伎人的风采,也揭示了他们的悲惨历史命运。
Across London, supplies of exotic produce from figs and pomegranates to anchovies are running out. 在伦敦,外来的农产品,例如无花果、石榴和凤尾鱼都断货了。
Later the preload method has been successfully applied to the other test figs. 此种对轴承施加“预载”的方法在后继的多个试验件中也得到成功运用。
With purple grapes, green figs. 紫葡萄和新鲜的无花果。
Bouquet: It features an intense combination of fruity aromas of pear, figs, pineapple and bananas. 气味:多种水果的芳香混合在一起,沁人心脾,例如有梨子、无花果、波萝和香蕉的香味。
Figs. 12 and 13 give examples of measurements on a mineralized zone and on a barren zone. 图12,图13分别是在一个矿化带上和一个无矿化地带的测量结果。
By introducing system diagram method into digital collection quality management, we can establish a model for digital collection quality management that is based on system diagrams. 3 figs. 9 refs. 把系统图法引入数字馆藏质量管理,就可以建立基于系统图的数字馆藏质量管理模型。图3。参考文献9。
Plus, figs are sweet to boot, especially when dipped in chocolate! 另外,无花果吃起来是甜的,蘸了巧克力酱后就更甜美可口了。
Slice the peeled bananas and figs and have a round cake board ready. 准备好一张圆的硬纸板,香蕉和无花果切成薄片。
Soak and wash the apricot seeds, fungus, jujube and figs with warm water. 制法:1.将南北杏、雪耳、蜜枣和无花果用温水浸洗。
Then Isaiah said, Take a cake of figs. 以赛亚说,当取一块无花果饼来。