
英 [ˈfaɪəstɔːm] 美 [ˈfaɪərstɔːrm]

n.  (尤指爆炸引起的)风暴性大火





  1. (尤指爆炸引起的)风暴性大火
    a very large fire, usually started by bombs, that is not under control and is made worse by the winds that it causes


    1. (通常指遭到轰炸之后的)风暴性大火
      A firestorm is a fire that is burning uncontrollably, usually in a place that has been bombed.
      1. N-COUNT (抗议或批评的)热浪,热潮,风暴
        If you say that there is a firestorm of protest or criticism, you are emphasizing that there is a great deal of very fierce protest or criticism.
        1. The speech has resulted in a firestorm of controversy.


      1. The speech has resulted in a firestorm of controversy.
      2. A few weeks back there was a firestorm of outrage at the video clip of a Hong Kong tour guide who verbally abused her mainland tour group for not spending enough money on shopping.
      3. When jawbone, the San Francisco-based purveyor of wireless devices, originally launched its head-turning, movement-sensing wristband in 2011, the company found itself in the middle of a firestorm.
      4. Cameron said that a firestorm has hit the media and police.
      5. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration informed a company in Texas of the new requirement but quickly rescinded the advisory in the face of a firestorm of negative publicity.
      6. The employee who comes to you after a meeting to discuss a sensitive issue that if brought up in a group setting would have set off a firestorm does you and the business a favor.
      7. Nevertheless, recent incidents in which humans reportedly ate human flesh have the Internet in a firestorm, with zombie apocalypse being Google's third most popular search term by Friday morning.
      8. A big acquisition would place it once again before a regulatory review, and, on the basis of past experience in other industries, generate a firestorm of controversy in America.
      9. A French media firestorm has been circulating claims that Barack Obama and Beyonce are dangerously in love.
      10. A media firestorm has swept across the US since Aug 9 when Michael Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.
      11. New research challenges the idea that the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs also sparked a global firestorm.
      12. Peering into one of the galaxy's spiral arms, the Hubble Space Telescope is giving astronomers a detailed new look at the firestorm of star birth taking place in the galaxy.
      13. Bankers 'bonuses triggered a political firestorm last year on both sides of the Atlantic as the institutions that emerged from the financial crisis began posting big profits in an apparent return to business as usual.
      14. The experiments of imageless thought triggered a firestorm of controversy.
      15. It is sad indeed to think about the animals that vanished in the firestorm.
      16. The Moon is in explosive Aries and your8th House of Intimacy, which can start a firestorm of passion that tempts you to break some rules.
      17. The credit crunch and the financial firestorm have also provided a neat metaphor for the big shift in economic power in the world.
      18. Any effort by the ECB to be the lender of last resort that members need will start a firestorm of protest.
      19. That's a trivial change, basically the least the Fed could get away with without facing a firestorm of criticism& and far short of the major asset-purchase program the Fed should be undertaking.
      20. Subject matter: The Texas Board of Education ignited an international firestorm last spring when members approved a controversial new social studies curriculum.
      21. There's been a firestorm in the financial markets of an economy and the IMF is akin to the fire brigade, they're coming along and they diagnose the situation and a ly remedies.
      22. Now is the time for an effort to prevent a firestorm.
      23. The agreement to return the money followed a firestorm of criticism and some arm-twisting from New York's attorney general.
      24. Our contribution has caused quite a firestorm, with a significant number of citations, discussions and debates.
      25. This is dangerous and should only be done in an emergency, but you can survive the firestorm if you stay in your car.
      26. The speech started a firestorm, particularly after the university posted it online.
      27. Ever since its publication, The Catcher in the Rye has served as a firestorm for controversy and debate. Critics have argued the moral issues raised by the book and the context in which it is presented.



      1. an outburst of controversy
        1. the incident triggered a political firestorm

      2. a storm in which violent winds are drawn into the column of hot air rising over a severely bombed area