
v.  (使)固定,注视



BNC.23931 / COCA.15032


  1. Despite internal warning signs, leaders fixate on positive external results to explain away the growing array of negative data, or define problems as passing, temporary ones.
  2. When faced with a challenge, overcoming fear, or coming back from a failure, successful people are focused on growth more than they fixate on the outcome of failure.
  3. 'But I think the hackers live in this kind of world where once they fixate on you or try to attack you it's extraordinarily difficult to defend against,' Burton said.
  4. At this time the bird might fixate strongly on an inanimate object, treating it either as a potential mate or an enemy to be attacked.
  5. One effective way of damaging happiness is to look at something and fixate on even the smallest flaw.
  6. We recognize words usually when our eyes are still when they fixate.
  7. There are times when it feels as if no matter how hard you try to not fixate on something and yet your sub conscious has a death grip on it.
  8. Warren learned three lessons and would call this episode one of the most important of his life. One lesson was not to fixate on what he had paid for a stock.
  9. He is fixate on thing that remind him of his childhood
  10. The results show that: ( 1) Viewers are able to choose different information in an advertisement, and tend to fixate the information about famous person in an advertisement;
  11. Don't be hypnotized by features and CRM functionality; instead, fixate on the credibility of the data asset building within it.
  12. The anchoring effect describes when decision makers fixate on initial information as a starting point and then, once set;
  13. The anchoring effect describes when decision makers fixate on initial information as a starting point and then, once set, fail to adequately adjust for subsequent information.
  14. Each time they fixate, we see a group of words.
  15. Traders who fixate like that are looking at the tree instead of seeing the whole forest.
  16. An infant with normal vision will fixate on a light held before him.
  17. Fixate a small distant object with your eyes and point directly at it with your forefinger.
  18. Their eyes may fixate on an interesting headline or a stand-out word, but not on other content.
  19. It is wrong to fixate on a bilateral solution between these two nations to address their multilateral imbalances.
  20. Lively said of her hair's popularity, though she had an inkling: fashion forerunners like Vogue staffers routinely approach her at events and fixate on her hair, she said.
  21. Total nitrogeon and available nitrogeon content increased with pigeonpea growing in the soil, which indicate that pigeonpea can fixate nitrogen and enhance soil fertility.
  22. Conclusion Chest bands fixate the flail chest wall may relieve pain of chest wall and evacuate sputum, using therapy of respirator could increased curate rate of the traumatic flail chest wall.
  23. Conclusion As for knee or knee peripheral fractures, arthroscope-assisted surgical technique can provide fine monitoring, decrease trauma and complications, fixate inter-nally and help early ground exercise.
  24. The reason for this is that Canadian college students fixate at each content word more carefully than do Chinese college students during reading.
  25. Through photosynthesis crops could fixate the energy and accumulate the organisms with two cycles of carbon and water.



  1. become fixed (on)
    1. Her eyes fixated on a point on the horizon

    Synonym:    settle on

  2. make fixed, stable or stationary
    1. let's fix the picture to the frame

    Synonym:    fix

  3. pay attention to exclusively and obsessively
    1. The media are fixating on Princess Diana's death

  4. attach (oneself) to a person or thing in a neurotic way
    1. He fixates on his mother, even at the age of 40