
英 [ˈfɔːdʒə(r)] 美 [ˈfɔːrdʒər]

n.  伪造者; 犯伪造罪的人



BNC.34489 / COCA.25913



  1. 伪造者;犯伪造罪的人
    a person who makes illegal copies of money, documents, etc. in order to cheat people


    1. V-RECIP 缔造;建立
      If one person or institution forges an agreement or relationship with another, they create it with a lot of hard work, hoping that it will be strong or lasting.
      1. The Prime Minister is determined to forge a good relationship with America's new leader...
      2. They agreed to forge closer economic ties...
      3. The programme aims to forge links between higher education and small businesses...
      4. The Community was trying to forge a common foreign and security policy.
    2. VERB 创造;开创
      If you say that a person has forged something that you approve of, you mean that you admire them for having done something difficult.
      1. The project will help inmates forge new careers...
      2. Tito forged a unique model of communism after breaking with Stalin in 1948.
        1948 年铁托在和斯大林决裂后创建了一种独特的共产主义模式。
    3. VERB 伪造,仿造(钞票、文件、绘画作品等)
      If someone forges something such as a banknote, a document, or a painting, they copy it or make it so that it looks genuine, in order to deceive people.
      1. He admitted seven charges including forging passports...
      2. She alleged that Taylor had forged her signature on the form...
      3. They used forged documents to leave the country.
    4. N-COUNT 铁匠铺;锻造厂
      A forge is a place where someone makes metal goods and equipment by heating pieces of metal and then shaping them.
      1. ...the blacksmith's forge.
      2. ...Woodbury Blacksmith & Forge Co.
    5. VERB 炼;锻造
      If someone forges an object out of metal, they heat the metal and then hammer and bend it into the required shape.
      1. To forge a blade takes great skill.
    6. PHRASAL VERB 取得进展;稳步推进
      If you forge ahead with something, you continue with it and make a lot of progress with it.
      1. He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform...
      2. The two companies forged ahead, innovating and expanding.


    1. Myatt is a master forger – he makes Monets, Picassos and Modiglianis – whose works have become eminently collectable.
    2. Henceforth, it is apt at all roles, it is made suspicious by the counterfeiter, covered with verdigris by the forger, blacked by the soot of the incendiary; and the murderer applies its rouge.
    3. What doth the graven thing avail, because the maker thereof hath graven it, a molten, and a false image? because the forger thereof hath trusted in a thing of his own forging, to make dumb idols.
    4. I think we're dealing with the work of a forger.
    5. Accordingly, the forger was put to death;
    6. You've helped her a lot; she will never forger it.
    7. His books about ancient astronauts are worthless because he is convicted of forger and embezzlement.
    8. He said he would never forger that I had accused him of cheating.
    9. Khaz'goroth, the Titan shaper and forger of the world, bestowed some of his vast power upon the mighty black wyrm, Neltharion.
    10. The minister of war hired a forger especially to make sword for him.
    11. Fail-stop signature schemes provide security even if a forger possesses unlimited computation power by enabling the sender to provide a proof on forgery if it occurs.
    12. It should touch the skin of Forger.
    13. In his good works, an artist should seize the subtle balance between clarity and obscurity, just like a forger to seize the right time to quench steel.
    14. To prevent a forger with unlimited computational power from forging a signature and protect the signers benefit, a new and efficient fail-stop signature scheme was proposed.
    15. Okay he is actually a convicted forger and embezzler but does that mean his books are worthless?
    16. The forger swindled the merchants of the city out of large sums of money.
    17. The legal liabilities may assumed by the forger, including civil liabilities, criminal liabilities and administrative liabilities.
    18. Kelley was a notorious forger, mystic and alchemist who was familiar with Cardan grilles.
    19. The forger was in his eighties; however, he had not lost a hair's-breadth of his ability in making sword.
    20. It has been shown that the molecular weights of grafted PAM chains were forger in graft copolymerization of solubilized starch with acrylamide than corn starch and oxidized starch.
    21. The sizes of carbide particles play a leading role for determining the local fracture stress f and associated fracture toughness parameters. parameters the condition of the same ferrite grain sizes sizes and yield stress, the material with forger carbide particles exhibits lower cracked fracture toughness.
    22. On the occasion of forged endorsement, the risk responsibility is attributed to the forged person under the Geneva commercial paper law system. Whereas the risk responsibility is mainly attributed to the forger immediate subsequent one under the Anglo-American paper law system.
    23. The phenomenon of fake diploma involves three subjects: the forger, the seller and the purchaser.
    24. In fact, in order to eliminate visual or statistical aberration of the image copy-move part edge, the forger will feather, fuzzy the edge of copy-move parts of the image.
    25. According to the experimental experience, speed and pressure is two features that can be directly collected and easy distinguished, because the forger can hardly imitate glyphs and the long-term habitual speed and pressure of the signer.
    26. For example, if the payer who is well-meaning and blameless pays the forged bill, but the forger cannot be found or is unable to reimburse, this could be a tough problem.



    1. someone who makes copies illegally

        Synonym:    counterfeiter

      1. someone who operates a forge