
英 [ˈfɜːləʊz] 美 [ˈfɜːrloʊz]

n.  (尤指在国外服役士兵的)休假(许可); (犯人的)准假; (通常因发不出工资而给的)准假
v.  准…休假


  1. N-VAR (因工作量不足的)被迫休假,暂时下岗
    If workers are given furlough, they are told to stay away from work for a certain period because there is not enough for them to do.
    1. This could mean a massive furlough of government workers.
  2. VERB 使被迫休假;使暂时下岗
    If people who work for a particular organization are furloughed, they are given a furlough.
    1. We regret to inform you that you are being furloughed indefinitely...
    2. The factories have begun furloughing hundreds of workers.
  3. N-VAR (军人的)休假
    When soldiers are given furlough, they are given official permission to leave the area where they are based or are fighting, for a certain period.
    1. I was at home on furlough.
  4. in BRIT, use 英国英语用leave


  1. For 2014, residential investment is expected to grow 10.3%, while the economy will likely grow only 2.2% as tens of thousands of federal employees face furloughs and cuts to government programs, Barclays forecasts.
  2. If employees have suffered through the agonizing game of "layoff roulette," furloughs and salary freezes ( or cuts), there may be some PTSD in the ranks.
  3. Hundreds of thousands of workers could be forced to take unpaid leave known as furloughs if Congress does not reach an agreement soon to undo the cuts.
  4. Furloughs, layoffs, burdened bosses, and stressed coworkers: Tension can stifle your office and kill productivity.
  5. And every week now, we hear reports of workers accepting pay cuts or furloughs without complaint& some of them acts of solidarity to protect jobs elsewhere in their companies.
  6. Slay was preparing for more furloughs when the Cardinals made a comeback in the final weeks of the regular season.
  7. In the private sector during previous recessions, furloughs were associated with large manufacturers.
  8. Dick Beatty, Professor of human resource management at Rutgers University, says that while furloughs have been a feature of past recessions, "what is new is the creativity with which firms are using them".
  9. In response to urging from university employees, the furloughs are structured so that people who earn more take bigger pay cuts.
  10. "And in manufacturing businesses, the Fed said," Reports of reduced work hours, lost overtime, forced furloughs, planned shutdowns, and layoffs were pervasive.
  11. Whenever the funding is slashed, employees'unpaid furloughs will be increased.
  12. They will only extend furloughs in the case of funerals.
  13. Broadly, state employees 'unions have accepted furloughs periods of unpaid leave as an alternative to either permanent wage cuts or workforce cuts.