
英 [ˈɡlɒsɪz] 美 [ˈɡlɑːsɪz]

n.  (平滑表面上的)光泽,光亮; 用以产生光泽的物质; 光泽涂料; 亮光漆
v.  在…上作注释(或评注)


  1. N-SING 光泽;色泽;光亮
    A gloss is a bright shine on the surface of something.
    1. Rain produced a black gloss on the asphalt.
  2. N-UNCOUNT 虚假的外表;假象;虚饰
    Gloss is an appearance of attractiveness or good quality which sometimes hides less attractive features or poor quality.
    1. Television commercials might seem more professional but beware of mistaking the gloss for the content.
  3. N-SING 粉饰;掩饰
    If you put a gloss on a bad situation, you try to make it seem more attractive or acceptable by giving people a false explanation or interpretation of it.
    1. He used his diary to put a fine gloss on the horrors the regime perpetrated...
    2. The whole idea was to give history a happy gloss.
  4. 同gloss paint
    Gloss is the same as gloss paint .
    1. N-MASS 唇彩;亮彩化妆品
      Gloss is a type of shiny make-up.
      1. She brushed gloss on to her eyelids.
      2. ...lip glosses.
    2. VERB 解释;诠释;说明
      If you gloss a difficult word or idea, you provide an explanation of it.
      1. Older editors glossed 'drynke' as 'love-potion'.


    1. Time inevitably glosses over the particularities of each situation.
    2. If anything goes wrong, you are teetering high above the center ring with no safety net, because this method glosses over a critical concept.
    3. The anger in Berlin, of course, glosses over the fact that Germany was among the first to flout the growth and stability pact, or that German banks were among the most eager buyers of subprime debt.
    4. Little can be said of its economic merits – both because Mr Obama glosses over the detail, and because it borders on insignificance except as part of a comprehensive medium-term fiscal plan.
    5. It is possible to detect several probable glosses in the first series: the second assertion is purely arbitrary.
    6. Expressions that are difficult to understand are explained in the glosses at the bottom of the page.
    7. In a book as much read as Jeremias the large number of glosses cannot appear strange.
    8. While the report addresses some criticisms, saying Chinese projects employ local workers, it largely glosses over contentious issues.
    9. The film, at least in the first instalment, glosses over such ambivalence.
    10. This article tries to describe the development of Chinese vocabulary from the ancient ages to the Middle Ages by researching the words in Erya and their glosses by Guo pu, and thus finds the law of the development.
    11. For promoting vocabulary learning in an extensive reading environment, providing multiple-choice glosses while reading is a widely studied technique.
    12. The official report plays up the likely benefits of the scheme, but glosses over the costs.
    13. To provide ( an expression or a text) with a gloss or glosses. Add internal comments only if they will aid others in understanding your code.
    14. The movie glosses over the real issues of the war.
    15. Related quantitative and qualitative researches reveal that for intermediate students who apply incidental vocabulary learning, marginal glosses have a better effect than dictionary-consultation.
    16. The experiment results reveal that glosses help students learn new vocabulary, especially when the learning is intention rather than non-intention. Vocabulary learning pedagogy consists of incidental vs. intentional vocabulary learning.
    17. The effect of modified input methods of marginal glosses and dictionary-consulting on the incidental vocabulary learning by foreign students
    18. To begin with, the study discusses the importance of the glosses.
    19. Glosses make the learners pay attention to the target words and thus raise the consciousness and enhance the language input.
    20. But it also proved that thestudents 'English proficiency levels could influence the effects of glosses on incidental vocabulary learning in reading.
    21. Besides, it enhances the understanding towards using glosses and different task-induced involvement loads in reading. And it offers guidance on reading and incidental vocabulary acquisition through reading.
    22. Plenty of studies have proved the positive effects of vocabulary glosses in reinforcing incidental vocabulary learning through reading.
    23. ⅱ. By criticizing the traditional law theory, esp. "the theory of social contract", which glosses over the fact of gender discrimination, it has disclosed that the females are excluded out of law.
    24. Glosses have been adopted as a common approach to help learners to learn new words effectively during reading process.
    25. In recent years, many researchers have done a lot in the incidental vocabulary acquisition. However, the influence of the ways of glosses in reading on the effect of incidental vocabulary acquisition is controversial.
    26. Thick translation is a way to use annotations and accompanying glosses to locate the text in a rich cultural and linguistic context.