v. 统治; 控制; 管理; 治理; 影响; 支配; 支配(词或短语的形式或用法) govern的第三人称单数
VERB 统治;治理 To govern a place such as a country, or its people, means to be officially in charge of the place, and to have responsibility for making laws, managing the economy, and controlling public services.
They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country... 星期五,他们去投票站投票选择他们所期望的国家管理者。
Their citizens are very thankful they are not governed by a dictator. 他们的公民十分庆幸没有受独裁者的统治。
VERB 支配;控制;影响 If a situation or activity is governed by a particular factor, rule, or force, it is controlled by that factor, rule, or force.
Marine insurance is governed by a strict series of rules and regulations... 关于海险有一系列严格的规章制度对其作了规定。
The government has altered the rules governing eligibility for unemployment benefit. 政府已经修改了有关领取失业救济金资格的规章制度。
For women, the 'biological clock' governs the time for having children. 对于女性来说,“生物钟”控制着怀孕的时间。
Gravity governs the motions of celestial bodies. 万有引力控制着天体的运动。
In the United States the majority governs in the name of the people 在美国,多数派代表民众执政。
A man who governs a state is a governor. 管理一个州的人是州长。
A king governs in that country. 那个国家由国王统治。
The combination of encryption algorithm and the key length governs the strength of the encryption type. 加密算法和密钥长度的组合决定加密类型的强度。
Amdahl's Law governs the speedup of using parallel processors on a problem versus using only one serial processor. Amdahl法则揭示了使用并行处理器来解决问题与只使用一个串行处理器来解决问题的加速比。
A password rule governs a single restriction or checks on the principal's password. 密码规则用于控制对主体密码的单项限制或检查项。
It's the script's responsibility to parse and make sense of this information, even though a set of conventions governs the proper format and use of this information. 脚本的责任是解析和理解这些信息,尽管有一套约定控制着这些信息的格式和用途。
Scientists believe this clock also governs when we go to sleep and when we wake up. 科学家们相信这种生物钟也支配着人们睡觉和起床的时间。
That law then which governs all life is God. 这个法则管理所有的生命,它就是神。
CC and governs your use of the Service, superseding any prior agreements between you and CO. 执政您使用本服务,取代之前签订的所有协议和CO。
So this tells you that it's electron structure that governs. 这告诉你们,都是电子结构在支配。
The need for money governs his behavior. 对金钱的需求左右着他的行为。
It governs desires, needs, and growth. 它掌管欲望、求和成长。
Dishonesty of speech quickly leads to dishonesty in behaviour because the language we use governs all we do. 言语的不诚实会迅速导致行为的不诚实,因为我们所说的话支配着我们的全部行为。
A principle or condition that customarily governs behavior. 习惯上行为依据的原理或条件。
Death: The Arcanum that governs darkness, decay, ectoplasm, enervation, ghosts and soul stealing. 死亡:主宰黑暗、腐朽、灵外质,衰弱,鬼魂和窃取灵魂的奥秘。
CacheManager governs all the cache instances that have been created from it. 缓存管理器级别管理了它创建的所有缓存器实例。
CIM governs the way the information is presented. CIM控制着信息表示的方法。
This chakra governs the diaphragm and conscious breath. 该脉轮管辖着横膈膜和有意识呼吸。
This chakra governs information received through telepathic communication with the non-physical realms. 这一脉轮负责通过非物理领域的感应交流而受到的信息。
The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, a federal law, governs absentee voting in presidential elections. 《服役及海外公民缺席投票法案》(一个联邦法律)对总统选举的缺席投票进行规范。
Governs the format of the character representation of the real number. 控制了实数的字符表现形式。
Who really governs this country? 谁真正统治着这个国家?
She has such a great influence on him that she governs him absolutely. 她对他的影响非常大,完全控制了他。
The devil divides us and governs. 魔鬼对咱们是分而治之。
What corporate governance structure governs? 企业法人治理结构是管什么的?
This is the law of development which governs all reactionary policies. 这将是一切反动政策的发展规律。