
英 [ˈgreɪvɪst] 美 [ˈgrævəst]

adj.  严重的; 重大的; 严峻的; 深切的; 严肃的; 庄严的; 表情沉重的


    Pronounced /greɪv/, except for meaning 5, when it is pronounced /grɑːv/. 义项5读作 /grɑːv/,除此外读作/greɪv/。

  1. N-COUNT 墓穴;坟墓;埋葬处
    A grave is a place where a dead person is buried.
    1. They used to visit her grave twice a year.
  2. N-COUNT 死亡;终结
    You can refer to some-one's death as their grave or to death as the grave .
    1. ...drinking yourself to an early grave...
    2. Most men would rather go to the grave than own up to feelings of dependency.
  3. ADJ-GRADED 严重的;重大的;严峻的
    A grave event or situation is very serious, important, and worrying.
    1. He said that the situation in his country is very grave...
    2. I have grave doubts that the documents tell the whole story.
  4. ADJ-GRADED 严肃的;表情沉重的
    A grave person is quiet and serious in their appearance or behaviour.
    1. William was up on the roof for some time and when he came down he looked grave...
    2. Anxiously, she examined his unusually grave face.
  5. . 重音符;抑音符;沉音符
    In some languages such as French, a grave accent is a symbol that is placed over a vowel in a word to show how the vowel is pronounced. For example, the word 'mère' has a grave accent over the first 'e'
    1. PHRASE 自掘坟墓;自取灭亡
      If you say that someone is digging their own grave, you are warning them that they are doing something foolish or dangerous that will cause their own failure.
      1. The magazine isn't trying to ruin his career, the man's digging his own grave by refusing an interview.
    2. PHRASE 九泉之下不得安宁
      If you say that someone who is dead would turn in their grave at something that is happening now, you mean that they would be very shocked or upset by it, if they were alive.
      1. Darwin must be turning in his grave at the thought of what is being perpetrated in his name.
    3. from the cradle to the grave → see: cradle


    1. We are in the gravest peril.
    2. This is the gravest food crisis in the world and the numbers are getting worse.
    3. Many of the gravest security notices from the Computer Emergency Response Team ( see Resources) and vendors are commentaries on simple memory errors.
    4. And where necessary, through a range of capabilities, we will continue to take direct action against those terrorists who pose the gravest threat to Americans.
    5. While our nation is safer than it was seven years ago, the gravest threat to our people remains another terrorist attack.
    6. But the gravest threat to the American way of life does not come from liberalism, regulation or the power of government; it comes from economic collapse.
    7. I had the gravest suspicions about the whole enterprise.
    8. I view his conduct in the gravest light.
    9. We have been in a period of extraordinary volatility in food prices, which poses a real danger of irreparable harm to the most vulnerable nations, Mr Zoellick said, adding that food prices were the single gravest threat facing developing countries.
    10. You must see it's of the gravest urgency.
    11. Look upward and live upward with curiosity and an expectation of miracles, and even in the gravest of situations miracles can, and will, occur for you.
    12. Avarice is, I should say, the gravest defect of the Chinese.
    13. Incidents of the gravest nature will now be staged one after another.
    14. Careless drivers are a menace to pedestrians. The gravest and most immediate threat is to the banking system.
    15. If this is not understood at all or is insufficiently understood, the gravest of mistakes will be made and the necessity of waging struggle in the ideological field will be ignored.
    16. Today, the gravest danger in the war on terror, the gravest danger facing America and the world, is outlaw regimes that seek and possess nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.
    17. It is of the gravest importance, I assure you.
    18. The heavy shadow of America's unilateralism is also visible on the unresolved question of Palestine, which is one of the gravest tragedies of the20th and21st centuries.
    19. At his most hesitant he was also at his gravest.
    20. That was the gravest crisis we faced outside the national security area.
    21. Now I was being given the responsibility to help steer my adopted country through one of the gravest constitutional crises of its history.
    22. High Overlord Saurfang says: Warchief, it is clear that Northrend represents the gravest threat to our people, and that we must act against it.
    23. Prospects for achieving the MDGs are gravest in health.
    24. But the gravest doubt is over how big a core vote Labour can really rely on.
    25. It was the steepest and gravest of gambles with the future of his Navy and his country.
    26. Chipmakers have given their gravest assessment yet of the state of the industry, predicting growth of less than 2 per cent this year, down from previous forecasts of 10 per cent or higher.
    27. Months ago, when I wrote of the undead blight upon our land, I thought them the gravest of threats.
    28. To be blind to this will lead to the gravest error.
    29. President Bush warned in his State of the Union address that "the gravest danger facing America and the world is outlaw regimes that seek and possess nuclear, chemical and biological weapons."
    30. You know what I feel for you in this gravest hour of my life. Words fail me to express myself.