
n.  群居性;群集度




  1. Extroversion, for example, encompasses traits such as gregariousness and warmth.
  2. Target Gregariousness Algorithm Based on Assistant Set of Intuitionistic Fuzzy S-rough-set
  3. Result city school students? Self-concepts of intelligence, appearance, anxiety, gregariousness and satisfaction were significantly higher than that of village school students.
  4. In the left-behind children, the factor scores of behavior, intelligence and school, gregariousness, happiness and satisfaction in boys were significantly lower than that in girls.
  5. Outward bound training affects the six dimensions of children's self-consciousness more or less, which is especially significantly embodied the dimensions of anxiety, gregariousness and behavior.
  6. Results The self-concept level in children with schizophrenia is lower than the normal ones, especially in the aspects of behaviors, anxiety, gregariousness, happiness and satisfaction and etc.
  7. Looking from the reason concretely, the intension of the human nature is such demand inclination as survival, dignity, reputation, kindred, gregariousness, freedom, development, etc..
  8. Conclusion The scores of self-concept scale decrease with the increasing of the children's age. The factors of self-concept such as behavior, intellect, anxiety and gregariousness have great effect on school-aged children's behavioral problems.
  9. Students with different levels of self-concept demonstrated different degrees of behavior disorder. Conclusion: Behavior disorders of secondary school students were influenced by their self-concept, as well as other significant factors including intelligence, school, anxiety, gregariousness and satisfaction.
  10. There were significant correlation between children's self-evaluation and the evaluation by teachers on intelligence and school, behavior, gregariousness.
  11. Results: Comparing the result from 182 questionnaires with Su's result, there were four factor scores which has statistic differences with total scores except the action and the gregariousness factor scores which have no distinct differences with total scores.
  12. Within these structures, the market offers the opportunities to attain status, while the monopoly of power and the geometric gregariousness are the obstacles for high status, which can be overcome by the personal qualities.
  13. So the mores is considered as the basis of gregariousness and even patriotism.
  14. Like most thought at that time, the concept gregariousness is connected with patriotism directly.
  15. The origin story of ancestor in Bouyei's funeral ballad reflects the life condition of Bouyei's ancestor in times of original gregariousness. It also reflects Bouyei's phylogeny and intercommunion history with the Han nationality.
  16. The gross scores of the scale of mental health also showed some differences on the following four items: gregariousness, stableness, excitation, permanence, anxiety, cowardice and neatness, psychological inquiry and guidance and application on entering higher school and obtaining employment.
  17. The cognitive levels of mental problems manifested certain differences on gregariousness, excitation, permanence, independence, introversion and extroversion, cowardice and neatness and creativity.
  18. One category of this methodology is to study how the herd behaviour has its impact on the stock prices, while the other is to study the gregariousness of the decision-making by the institutional investors.



  1. the quality of being gregarious--having a dislike of being alone