
英 [ˈgʌli:d]

v. 溪谷( gully的过去式和过去分词 ); (雨水冲击而成的)沟渠
gully 的过去式


  1. Soil polarizations of forest plantation in semi-humid gullied area of southern Loess Plateau
  2. Disasters of Soil Erosion and Its Prevention Strategy on No.1 Sub region of Gullied Rolling Loess Plateau
  3. Summary of Study on Saving Irrigation through Rain Collection in Apple Orchards in Gullied Loess Plateau
  4. Study on High Efficiency Technology of Water Collection in Hillside Orchards in Gullied Rolling Loess Area
  5. Economic Effect Analysis of Terracing in Gullied Rolling Loess Region
  6. Study of Comprehensive Harness and Economic Development of Small Watershed in Rolling Gullied Loess Region in Middle Gansu
  7. A Study on Outskirts Forest Eco-network System in Gullied Rolling Loess Region
  8. Calculation Model of the sediment Delivery Ratio on Sloping Land in Gullied Rolling Loess Region
  9. Leveled terraced field is the main project of slope control and also the main capital farmland in the gullied rolling loess area.
  10. Prospects of Building Ecological Agriculture on Hilly and Gullied Loess Region
  11. Test on Introduce of White Ash to the Gullied Rolling Loess Area and Study on Cultivation
  12. The paper analyzed and studied the regional geography, landforms, hydrological characteristics, soil erosion characteristics and the cause of soil erosion on the basis of investigation, experiment and observation on large scale in the No. 1 sub region of gullied rolling loess plateau.
  13. The precision of the predicting model is fairly high and suitable for gullied rolling loess area where the annual precipitation is about 430 mm.
  14. Study on Grassland Eco-Agricultural Model on Slight Slope of Hilly Gullied Area of Yanchi County, Ningxia
  15. Total volume of runoff produced by each rainfall on the slope surface of gullied rolling loess area in west Shanxi can be predicted by the model.
  16. To construct large rainwater collecting and storing projects in line with local conditions in gullied rolling loess area of the Loess Plateau can effectively utilize the rainwater resources and provide services for soil and water conservation measures and production and life of the local people.
  17. Current production and problems existing in economic forest in gullied rolling region on the Loess Plateau are analyzed and some relevant techniques are proposed, which is of great importance in development and production of the forest.
  18. It is said that the proportion owned by accelerated erosion in hilly and gullied region of loess plateau is 30%.
  19. Experimental Study of Soil Erosion by Overland Runoff in the Rolling Gullied Loess Region
  20. Soil loss in the rolling gullied loess region is majorly caused by one or two large or medium intensity erosive rainstorms.
  21. Study on Erosion Control Measures of Slopped Roads in Gullied Rolling Loess Area of the Loess Plateau
  22. Discussion on index system of water storage and silt detention for soil and water conservation in gullied hilly loess region
  23. Preliminary Study on Pinus Tabulaeformis Carr Afforestation Techniques in Gullied Loess Plateau
  24. Study on Soil Erosion of Small Watersheds in Gullied Rolling Loess Area and Its Predicting Model
  25. Study on Key Measure and Combination of Comprehensive Harnessing on Soil and Water Conservation in Gullied Loess Plateau
  26. Ten years research and practice initially found out the way and technical measures to solve the three problems in gullied and rolling loess region, and set up the theory frame and model.
  27. On the Gully-Valley System in Loess Hilly-Gullied Region
  28. Experimental Study on Soil Moisture Distribution Law of Total Slope of Gullied Loess Plateaus
  29. Controlling Technology for Gullied Rolling Loess Area in Gansu Province
  30. The paper thus takes small watersheds as basic study units for optimized eco-productive paradigm of hilly gullied loess region.