
英 [ˈheɪstɪɪst] 美 [ˈheɪstɪɪst]

adj.  匆忙的; 仓促而就的; 草率的; 仓促行事; 草率作出决定; 考虑不周密


  1. ADJ-GRADED 匆忙的;仓促的
    A hasty movement, action, or statement is sudden, and often done in reaction to something that has just happened.
    1. One company is giving its employees airplane tickets in the event they need to make a hasty escape.
  2. ADJ-GRADED 仓促而就的;匆忙结束的
    A hasty event or action is one that is completed more quickly than normal.
    1. After the hasty meal, the men had moved forward to take up their positions.
  3. ADJ-GRADED 鲁莽的;冲动的;草率的
    If you describe a person or their behaviour as hasty, you mean that they are acting too quickly, without thinking carefully, for example because they are angry.
    1. So let's not be hasty. After all, he can't run away...
    2. A number of the United States' allies had urged him not to take a hasty decision.