
英 [hæt] 美 [hæt]

n.  (常指带檐的)帽子; (双重的)职位,角色(尤指官职或职业角色)
vi.  给…戴上帽子; 为…提供帽子供应帽子; 制造帽子



Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.2209 / COCA.2015



  1. (常指带檐的)帽子
    a covering made to fit the head, often with a brim (= a flat edge that sticks out), and worn out of doors
    1. a straw/woolly, etc. hat
    2. to put on/take off a hat
      戴 / 脱帽子
  2. (双重的)职位,角色(尤指官职或职业角色)
    a position or role, especially an official or professional role, when you have more than one such role
    1. I'm wearing two hats tonight─parent and teacher.
    2. I'm telling you this with my lawyer's hat on, you understand.


  1. (常指带檐的)帽子
    A hat is a head covering, often with a brim round it, which is usually worn out of doors to give protection from the weather.
    1. N-COUNT 角色;职位;工作
      If you say that someone is wearing a particular hat, you mean that they are performing a particular role at that time. If you say that they wear several hats, you mean that they have several roles or jobs.
      1. ...putting on my nationalistic hat.
      2. ...various problems, including too many people wearing too many hats.
    2. PHRASE 毫不犹豫地;非常乐意地
      If you say that you are ready to do something at the drop of a hat, you mean that you are willing to do it immediately, without hesitating.
      1. India is one part of the world I would go to at the drop of a hat.
    3. PHRASE 保守秘密
      If you tell someone to keep a piece of information under their hat, you are asking them not to tell anyone else about it.
      1. Look, if I tell you something, will you promise to keep it under your hat?...
      2. He kept it all very much under his hat.
    4. PHRASE 陈腐;陈旧;老式;过时
      If you say that something or someone is old hat, you mean that they have existed or been known for a long time, and they have become uninteresting and boring.
      1. The younger generation tell me that religion is 'old hat' and science has proved this.
    5. PHRASE 募捐,凑份子(美国英语用 pass the hat)
      In British English, if you pass the hat around, you collect money from a group of people, for example in order to give someone a present. In American English, you just say pass the hat .
      1. Professors are passing the hat to help staff in their department.
    6. PHRASE 赞赏;钦佩
      If you say that you take your hat off to someone, you mean that you admire them for something that they have done.
      1. I take my hat off to Mr Clarke for taking this action...
      2. I was impressed by that, you have to take your hat off to the guy.
    7. CONVENTION 向…致敬
      If you say 'Hats off to someone', you are expressing admiration for them.
      1. Hats off to them for supporting the homeless.
    8. PHRASE (常指没落时)出乎意料地获取(胜利、成功)
      To pull something out of the hat means to do something unexpected which helps you to succeed, often when you are failing.
      1. Southampton had somehow managed to pull another Cup victory out of the hat.
    9. PHRASE (比赛中挑选胜出者时)随机地,任意地
      In competitions, if you say that the winners will be drawn or picked out of the hat, you mean that they will be chosen randomly, so everyone has an equal chance of winning.
      1. The first 10 correct entries drawn out of the hat will win a pair of tickets, worth £20 each.
    10. to knock something into a cocked hat → see: cocked hat


    1. She stood there, hat askew
    2. The hat concealed her hair.
    3. He wore a panama hat and a crisp white suit
    4. India is one part of the world I would go to at the drop of a hat.
    5. Look, if I tell you something, will you promise to keep it under your hat?
    6. He kept it all very much under his hat.
    7. The younger generation tell me that religion is 'old hat' and science has proved this.
    8. Professors are passing the hat to help staff in their department.
    9. I take my hat off to Mr Clarke for taking this action
    10. I was impressed by that, you have to take your hat off to the guy.
    11. Hats off to them for supporting the homeless.
    12. Southampton had somehow managed to pull another Cup victory out of the hat.
    13. The first 10 correct entries drawn out of the hat will win a pair of tickets, worth £ 20 each.
    14. He did indeed keep important documents inside his hat
    15. If you can get a laugh by wearing a silly hat, you must have been born a comic
    16. I had a hat on.
    17. He paused, feeling his scalp prickling under his hat
    18. When he reviewed the troops they cheered him as he smiled and raised his hat.
    19. Then he caught sight of her small black velvet hat in the crowd
    20. Fuentes tore off his hat and flung it to the ground.
    21. Where did you get that hat?
    22. I really thought I was something when I wore that hat and my patent leather shoes
    23. He's wearing a deeply unappealing baseball hat
    24. You'll get more wear out of a hat if you choose one in a neutral colour
    25. She wore this woolly hat with pompoms.
    26. That hat looks nice on you.
    27. This hat is too small for me.
    28. This hat fits me nicely.
    29. The hat is a match for the coat.
    30. I love to travel, I'm ready to go at the drop of a hat.



      go hat in hand (to sb)

      go hat in hand (to sb)

      keep sth under your hat

    • 将某事保密
      to keep sth secret and not tell anyone else
      1. my hat

      2. (表示惊奇)
        used to express surprise
        1. out of a/the hat

        2. 随机抽出
          if sth such as a name is picked out of a/the hat , it is picked at random from a container into which all the names are put, so that each name has an equal chance of being picked, in a competition, etc.
          1. I take my hat off to sb

            hats off to sb

          2. (表示敬佩)
            used to say that you admire sb very much for sth they have done
            1. throw your hat into the ring

            2. 正式宣布参加竞选(或比赛等)
              to announce officially that you are going to compete in an election, a competition, etc.
              1. at the drop of a hat

              2. 立即;毫不迟疑
                immediately; without hesitating
                1. The company can't expect me to move my home and family at the drop of a hat.
              3. I'll eat my hat

              4. (认为不可能发生)我才不信,那才怪,绝不可能
                used to say that you think sth is very unlikely to happen
                1. If she's here on time, I'll eat my hat!
              5. knock sb/sth into a cocked hat

              6. 远远胜过某人(或事物);大大超过;使相形见绌
                to be very much better than sb/sth
                1. pass the hat round/around

                2. 凑份子(送礼);凑集金钱
                  to collect money from a number of people, for example to buy a present for sb
                  1. pull sth/a rabbit out of the hat

                  2. 突然提出解决方法;突施妙计
                    to suddenly produce sth as a solution to a problem
                    1. talk through your hat

                    2. 胡说;信口开河;瞎扯
                      to say silly things while you are talking about a subject you do not understand



                      1. an informal term for a person's role
                        1. he took off his politician's hat and talked frankly

                      2. headdress that protects the head from bad weather

                          Synonym:    chapeaulid


                        1. put on or wear a hat
                          1. He was unsuitably hatted

                        2. furnish with a hat