Her life has been permanently blighted by his heinous crime 他犯下的滔天罪行给她的生活蒙上了永久的阴影。
They are capable of the most heinous acts. 他们能做出最邪恶的事情。
For this is an heinous crime; yea, it is an iniquity to be punished by the judges. 因为这是大罪,是审判官当罚的罪孽。
But if my music sports computer's heinous, Portuguese say with native English and math, but I failed, the chemical is a difference. 但如果我音乐体育计算机好得让人发指,葡萄牙语说得跟母语似的,但是数学英语和化学全不及格,我也是个差生。
The confessions written by all the war criminals and the detailed trial records contained in the archive files are irrefutable evidence of the heinous crimes committed by the Japanese militarist aggressors against the Chinese people. 档案卷宗内各个战犯自己的书面笔供以及详细的审讯笔录等材料,是日本军国主义侵略者对中国人民所犯滔天罪行的铁证。
It doesnt mean the enormous crimes, it means the heinous crimes. 它不是说enormous(庞大的)罪行,而是指十恶不赦的罪行。
US president Barack Obama called it heinous and said terrorists have once again shown their depravity by targeting students and teachers. 美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)称这次袭击极其凶残,并表示通过把学生和教师当作袭击目标,恐怖分子再次显示了他们的堕落本质。
Even the most heinous of crimes began when someone made a wrong choice and gave into temptation. 即使是最十恶不赦的罪行也是源于人们作出的错误的选择,屈服于诱惑。
Coming to care for a person who committed such a heinous act. 帮助一个罪大恶极的人。
Hitler's heinous crimes will never be forgotten. 希特勒的滔天罪行人们永远也不会忘记。
I was almost just killed by your heinous furniture. 我差点被你那可恶的家具杀死。
Users are forced to manage little windows inside a big window, a truly heinous example of excise. 使用者将不得不管理一个大窗口内的多个小窗口,这明显是令人憎恶的附加工作。
The idea that any country may take action against pirates is the precursor to the idea of "universal jurisdiction" used to prosecute heinous crimes such as genocide. 任何国家都有权采取行动对抗海盗的理念也是“普遍管辖权”的前身(这种权利被用来起诉一些极恶的罪行,如种族灭绝);
Thanks a lot Anil Kapoor for bringing this heinous crime to light. 十分感谢亚尼·卡普给这可憎的犯罪行为带来光明。
It is too soon to say Iraq will revert to Saddam's heinous standards. 现在说伊拉克倒退回可憎的萨达姆时代还为时尚早。
Perhaps the most heinous example of cell-phone abuse is ringing in the theater. 也许最可恨的滥用手机的例子就是在剧院。
The laws of the realm may punish Christian men with death for heinous and grievous offences. 法律的惩罚境界可能与基督教男子死亡和严重的滔天罪行。
His brother is a heinous boy. 他弟弟是个讨厌的孩子。
Who has done this heinous act? 谁会做这种十恶不赦的行为?
And to not be overly delighted by the mundane is appalling. it's horrific. and, dude, that's heinous. 而对寻常事物若不是感到特别高兴就成了骇人听闻。“太恐怖了”。“啊,令人发指”。
In developed countries, even those accused of heinous crimes are apprised of their legal rights, and rightfully so. 在发达国家,即使是那些被控犯有十恶不赦罪行的人,也会被告知其享有的合法权利这种做法是正确的。
When he committed his heinous act. 他犯罪的时候还是青少年。
To thwart this most heinous threat to your world. 来阻止对你们星球的邪恶威胁。
You hold too heinous a respect of grief. 你把悲哀过分看重了。
Man held by such concepts are he will not miss any one of a woman's little secret, even if women are at once committed a heinous crime before marriage. 这样的男人所持的观念是他不会放过女人的任何一个小秘密,即使是女人在婚前曾经犯下的滔天大罪。
I'd been standing outside for about half an hour when Joseph, the school janitor, came over to ask me what heinous crime I'd committed to be banished for so long. 就这样,我站在教室外面,大约半小时后,学校的大楼管理员约瑟夫看到了我,就问我究竟犯了什么弥天大罪要被驱逐出教室这么长时间。
What about the bomb and the misery and humanity's most heinous crime? 怎么不是***,灾难和人类最可耻的犯罪呢?
It was disturbing to think that a heinous murder is still at large in my home city. 想到自己居住的城市里有一个罪大恶极的杀人凶手继续逍遥法外,令人不寒而栗。
The alleged crimes are heinous, evidence of an organisation without anything much resembling a moral compass. 指控中所涉的罪行极其恶劣,证明了这是一个毫无道德准则可言的组织。