
英 [ˈhɛnsˈfɔːwəd]

adv.  从今以后; 此后

BNC.25870 / COCA.42018


  1. ADV 从今以后;此后
    Henceforward means from this time on.
    1. Henceforward France and Britain had a common interest...
    2. He announced that it would henceforward be the custom to give him five rands each time a cow was slaughtered.


  1. Henceforward France and Britain had a common interest
  2. Brands ( I will henceforward omit the exclamation point, lest the constant excitement of mentioning the company become distracting).
  3. And, since Satan saw fit to steal it, your reverence must needs handle him without gloves, henceforward, remarked the old sexton, grimly smiling.
  4. Thou wilt have twice as much love, henceforward, as thy mother alone could give thee!
  5. Already had I made sure that a rooted and anchored affection had come to me from out the emptiness and nothingness of the world and was to feed my soul henceforward;
  6. Henceforward the task of the world anti-fascist front is to take the offensive against the fascist front and inflict final defeat on fascism.
  7. Be it known unto you that henceforward Iobey no law less that the eternal law.
  8. And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever.
  9. Henceforward, the selection of financing method and financing strategy is of crucial importance to solve the problem mentioned above.
  10. Their thinking has to shift from experiential pattern to retrospective thinking and, henceforward, the daily "teaching with retrospective thinking".
  11. For the manufacturing enterprises developing innovation, NFJDPDM can support with information-integrated technique and probing a way henceforward.
  12. Chinese forest products industry developing about henceforward resources, constructions, markets and environment daytime, unfit the demand of future economic construction.
  13. Holmes firstly explains the name and the nature of translation studies, so he wins a high reputation in the field of translation studies and henceforward he has had a deep influence on many following researchers in the field all over the world.
  14. Henceforward the theory sets foot on the full of frustrations road. In practice the theory reaches perfection step by step. Part ⅱ: the concept of personal dangerousness.
  15. Since English linking adverbials ( henceforward LAs), a kind of cohesive tie, plays an important role in constructing a text and indicating the logical relationship, they have attracted much attention from researchers.
  16. The Body Part Ascension Construction ( henceforward BPAC for short) is a syntactic-semantically unique construction.
  17. Henceforward, the basic genetic research of the plant height was widely studied.
  18. For complexity and particularity of second language acquisition ( SLA), more separate studies and discussions are still needed for the L2 mental lexicon, especially the Chinese learners of English ( henceforward CLE for short) mental lexicon.



  1. from this time forth
    1. henceforth she will be known as Mrs. Smith

    Synonym:    henceforth