
英 [hɪt] 美 [hɪt]

v.  (用手或器具)击,打; 碰撞; 撞击(造成损伤); 使(身体部位)碰上(某物)
n.  打; 击; 命中; 击中; 很受欢迎的人(或事物)



Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.927 / COCA.535



    打 touch sb/sth with force

  1. (用手或器具)击,打
    to bring your hand, or an object you are holding, against sb/sth quickly and with force
    1. My parents never used to hit me.
    2. He hit the nail squarely on the head with the hammer.
    3. She hit him on the head with her umbrella.
  2. 碰撞;撞击(造成损伤)
    to come against sth/sb with force, especially causing damage or injury
    1. The bus hit the bridge.
    2. I was hit by a falling stone.
  3. 使(身体部位)碰上(某物)
    to knock a part of your body against sth
    1. He hit his head on the low ceiling.
  4. 击中;命中
    to reach and touch a person or thing suddenly and with force
    1. The town was hit by bombs again last night.
    2. He was hit by a sniper.
  5. 球 ball

  6. 击(球)
    to bring a bat , etc. against a ball and push it away with force
    1. She hit the ball too hard and it went out of the court.
    2. We've hit our ball over the fence!
  7. 击球得分
    to score points by hitting a ball
    1. to hit a home run
  8. 有坏影响 have bad effect

  9. 产生不良影响;打击;危害
    to have a bad effect on sb/sth
    1. The tax increases will certainly hit the poor.
    2. His death didn't really hit me at first.
    3. Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike.
    4. Spain was one of the hardest hit countries.
    5. A tornado hit on Tuesday night.
  10. 攻击 attack

  11. 攻击;进攻;袭击
    to attack sb/sth
    1. We hit the enemy when they least expected it.
  12. 到达 reach

  13. 到达(某地)
    to reach a place
    1. Follow this footpath and you'll eventually hit the road.
    2. The President hits town tomorrow.
  14. 达到(某水平)
    to reach a particular level
    1. Temperatures hit 40˚ yesterday.
    2. The euro hit a record low in trading today.
  15. 问题;困难 problem/difficulty

  16. 遇到困难;经历不愉快的事情
    to experience sth difficult or unpleasant
    1. We seem to have hit a problem.
    2. Everything was going well but then we hit trouble.
  17. 突然意识到 suddenly realize

  18. 使突然想起
    to come suddenly into your mind
    1. I couldn't remember where I'd seen him before, and then it suddenly hit me.
  19. 按钮 press button

  20. 按,压(按钮等)
    to press sth such as a button to operate a machine, etc.
    1. Hit the brakes!


    打 act of hitting

  1. 打;击
    an act of hitting sb/sth with your hand or with an object held in your hand
    1. Give it a good hit.
    2. He made the winning hit.
  2. 命中;击中
    an occasion when sth that has been thrown, fired, etc. at an object reaches that object
    1. The bomber scored a direct hit on the bridge.
    2. We finished the first round with a score of two hits and six misses.
  3. 受欢迎的事物 sth popular

  4. 很受欢迎的人(或事物)
    a person or thing that is very popular
    1. The duo were a real hit in last year's show.
    2. a hit musical
    3. Her new series is a smash hit .
  5. 流行音乐 pop music

  6. 风行一时的流行歌曲(或唱片)
    a successful pop song or record
    1. They are about to release an album of their greatest hits.
    2. She played all her old hits.
    3. a hit record/single
      风靡一时的唱片 / 单曲唱片
  7. 毒品 of drug

  8. 毒品的一剂
    an amount of an illegal drug that is taken at one time
    1. 凶杀 murder

    2. 暴力犯罪;凶杀
      a violent crime or murder
      1. 计算机技术 computing

      2. (在计算机或互联网上搜索的)查询结果
        a result of a search on a computer, for example on the Internet


          The form hit is used in the present tense and is the past and past participle. hit 的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。

        1. VERB 打;击
          If you hit someone or something, you deliberately touch them with a lot of force, with your hand or an object held in your hand.
          1. Find the exact grip that allows you to hit the ball hard...
          2. She hit him hard across his left arm...
          3. Police at the scene said Dr Mahgoub had been hit several times in the head.
        2. VERB 撞击;碰撞
          When one thing hits another, it touches it with a lot of force.
          1. The car had apparently hit a traffic sign before skidding out of control...
          2. She hit the last barrier and sprawled across the track.
        3. VERB (***、导弹)击中,命中
          If a bomb or missile hits its target, it reaches it.
          1. ...multiple-warhead missiles that could hit many targets at a time...
          2. The hospital had been hit with heavy artillery fire.
          3. Hit is also a noun.
          4. First a house took a direct hit and then the rocket exploded.
        4. VERB 打击;使受严重影响
          If something hits a person, place, or thing, it affects them very badly.
          1. The plan to charge motorists £75 a year to use the motorway is going to hit me hard...
          2. About two-hundred people died in the earthquake which hit northern Peru...
          3. Special schools were hardest hit.
        5. VERB 使突然想起
          When a feeling or an idea hits you, it suddenly affects you or comes into your mind.
          1. It hit me that I had a choice...
          2. Then the answer hit me. It had been staring me in the face.
        6. VERB 达到(某一高点或低点)
          If you hit a particular high or low point on a scale of something such as success or health, you reach it.
          1. He admits to having hit the lowest point in his life ...
          2. Oil prices hit record levels yesterday.
        7. N-COUNT 成功而轰动(或风行)一时的事物(如唱片、电影或戏剧)
          If a CD, film, or play is a hit, it is very popular and successful.
          1. The song became a massive hit in 1945.
          2. ...the surprise hit video of the year.
        8. N-COUNT (网站的)点击,浏览,访问
          A hit is a single visit to a website.
          1. Our small company has had 78,000 hits on its Internet pages.
        9. (在因特网上的)查询结果,检索结果
          If someone who is searching for information on the Internet gets a hit, they find a website where there is that information.
          1. PHR-RECIP 一见如故;合得来;投缘
            If two people hit it off, they like each other and become friendly as soon as they meet.
            1. They hit it off straight away, Daddy and Walter...
            2. How well did you hit it off with one another?
          2. PHRASE 大受欢迎;深受…的喜爱;令…印象深刻
            If you make a hit with someone, they like you or are impressed by you when they meet you.
            1. He made a hit with Lady Sopwith...
            2. She sends her best wishes — you've obviously made a hit there.
          3. to hit the bottle → see: bottle


          1. Famine hit that benighted country once more.
          2. A car hit her on a crossing.
          3. Find the exact grip that allows you to hit the ball hard
          4. She hit him hard across his left arm
          5. Police at the scene said Dr Mahgoub had been hit several times in the head.
          6. The car had apparently hit a traffic sign before skidding out of control
          7. She hit the last barrier and sprawled across the track.
          8. The hospital had been hit with heavy artillery fire.
          9. About two-hundred people died in the earthquake which hit northern Peru
          10. Special schools were hardest hit.
          11. It hit me that I had a choice
          12. Then the answer hit me. It had been staring me in the face.
          13. He admits to having hit the lowest point in his life
          14. Oil prices hit record levels yesterday.
          15. Our small company has had 78,000 hits on its Internet pages.
          16. They hit it off straight away, Daddy and Walter
          17. How well did you hit it off with one another?
          18. He made a hit with Lady Sopwith
          19. She sends her best wishes — you've obviously made a hit there.
          20. If the shell had hit the boat, it would have blown it to pieces
          21. Sergeant Long will hit the roof when I tell him you've gone off.
          22. He saved one shot when the ball hit him on the head.
          23. He was hit by shrapnel from a grenade.
          24. The collection includes all the band's British and American hit singles.
          25. I was just hit by a wall of water.
          26. You've hit it.; That's right.
          27. You've hit it this time. He's gone to town.
          28. He hit me, so I struck him back.


            strike beat hit knock【导航词义:击打】

            strike v. 打,击


          Who struck the first blow?
          He struck the boy with his stick.
          The hammers strike the piano strings and make them vibrate.
          The huge clock at the Customs House strikes the hours.

            beat v. 连续击打,击败


          The poor child was beaten black and blue.
          They were frequently cursed and beaten by the employer.
          Jack beat Jobe to win the game.
          The home team beat the visiting team by a large score.

            hit v. 打,打击


          The missile hit the carrier.
          The brick hit him in the head.
          The economic recession hit the family hard.

            knock v. 敲,击,打


          The attacker knocked her to the ground and kicked her hard.
          Somebody is knocking on the door.
          I wish you wouldn't knock at the table again.


          hit back

          1. 还击;(向…)还手  2. 反击;还击  

          hit on hit upon

          1. 突然想出(主意或解决办法)  2. 对…进行性挑逗  

          hit out

          1. (试图)打(某人)  2. 严厉批评;猛烈抨击  


          hit back (at sb/sth)

          1. 回击;反击
            to reply to attacks or criticism

            hit on sb

            1. 开始与某人调情
              to start talking to sb to show them that you are sexually attracted to them
              1. The bus hit the bridge.
              2. I was hit by a falling stone.

            hit on/upon sth

            1. 突然有个好主意;偶然想到妙点子
              to think of a good idea suddenly or by chance
              1. The town was hit by bombs again last night.
              2. He was hit by a sniper.

            hit out (at sb/sth)

            1. 猛烈攻击;狠狠抨击
              to attack sb/sth violently by fighting them or criticizing them
              1. She hit the ball too hard and it went out of the court.
              2. We've hit our ball over the fence!

            hit sb up for sth

            hit sb for sth

            1. 向某人要钱
              to ask sb for money
              1. The tax increases will certainly hit the poor.
              2. His death didn't really hit me at first.
              3. Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike.
              4. Spain was one of the hardest hit countries.
              5. A tornado hit on Tuesday night.

            hit sb with sth

            1. (把吓人的事等)告诉某人
              to tell sb sth, especially sth that surprises or shocks them
              1. We hit the enemy when they least expected it.



              hit (it) big

            • 很成功
              to be very successful
              1. The band has hit big in the US.
            • hit the buffers

            • (计划、事业等)突然受挫
              if a plan, sb's career, etc. hits the buffers , it suddenly stops being successful
              1. hit the ceiling/roof

              2. 勃然大怒;怒气冲天
                to suddenly become very angry
                1. hit the deck

                2. 摔倒在地;落到地上
                  to fall to the ground
                  1. hit the ground running

                  2. 迅速而顺利地投入某事;一炮打响;一举成功
                    to start doing sth and continue very quickly and successfully
                    1. hit the hay/sack

                    2. 上床睡觉
                      to go to bed
                      1. hit sb (straight/right) in the eye

                      2. 很显然;一目了然
                        to be very obvious to sb
                        1. hit it

                        2. (要某人开始做某事,如演奏音乐)开始吧
                          used to tell sb to start doing sth, such as playing music
                          1. Hit it, Louis!
                        3. hit it off (with sb)

                        4. (和某人)投缘
                          to have a good friendly relationship with sb
                          1. We hit it off straight away.
                        5. hit the jackpot

                        6. 突然意外赚大钱(或赢大钱);发大财
                          to make or win a lot of money quickly and unexpectedly
                          1. hit the nail on the head

                          2. 说到点子上;正中要害
                            to say sth that is exactly right
                            1. hit the road/trail

                            2. 出发;上路
                              to start a journey/trip
                              1. hit the roof

                                hit the roof

                                hit the spot

                              2. 发挥正当作用;适得其用;恰到好处
                                if sth hits the spot it does exactly what it should do
                                1. hit the streets

                                  hit the shops/stores

                                2. 大量上市
                                  to become widely available for sale
                                  1. The new magazine hits the streets tomorrow.
                                3. hit sb when they're down

                                4. 落井下石;乘人之危
                                  to continue to hurt sb when they are already defeated
                                  1. hit sb where it hurts

                                  2. 刺着某人痛处;击中要害
                                    to affect sb where they will feel it most
                                    1. grab/hit/make the headlines

                                    2. 成为重要新闻
                                      to be an important item of news in newspapers or on the radio or television
                                      1. hit/strike home

                                      2. (言语等)正中要害,说到点子上
                                        if a remark, etc. hits/strikes home , it has a strong effect on sb, in a way that makes them realize what the true facts of a situation are
                                        1. Her face went pale as his words hit home.
                                      3. not know what hit you

                                      4. 因吃惊而不知所措;惊呆了
                                        to be so surprised by sth that you do not know how to react
                                        1. hit/miss the mark

                                        2. 达到 / 没有达到目的;猜测正确 / 错误
                                          to succeed/fail in achieving or guessing sth
                                          1. He blushed furiously and Robyn knew she had hit the mark.
                                        3. hit/touch a (raw/sensitive) nerve

                                        4. 触及要害;触动痛处
                                          to mention a subject that makes sb feel angry, upset, embarrassed, etc.
                                          1. You touched a raw nerve when you mentioned his first wife.
                                        5. hit/strike the right/wrong note

                                        6. 做(或说、写)得得体 / 不得体
                                          to do, say or write sth that is suitable/not suitable for a particular occasion
                                          1. hit/strike pay dirt

                                          2. 骤然成功;暴富
                                            to suddenly be in a successful situation, especially one that makes you rich
                                            1. when the shit hits the fan

                                            2. 做了坏事(或错事)被发现
                                              when sb in authority finds out about sth bad or wrong that sb has done
                                              1. When the shit hits the fan, I don't want to be here.
                                            3. hit/knock sb for six

                                            4. 极大地影响某人
                                              to affect sb very deeply
                                              1. get into your stride

                                              2. 进入状态;开始顺利地做某事
                                                to begin to do sth with confidence and at a good speed after a slow, uncertain start


                                                  be/make a hit (with sb)

                                                • 给(某人)留下很好的第一印象;使(某人)一见钟情
                                                  to be liked very much by sb when they first meet you
                                                  1. take a hit

                                                  2. 遭到破坏;受到严重影响
                                                    to be damaged or badly affected by sth
                                                    1. The airline industry took a hit last year.



                                                  1. (baseball) a successful stroke in an athletic contest (especially in baseball)
                                                    1. he came all the way around on Williams' hit

                                                  2. a conspicuous success
                                                    1. that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career
                                                    2. that new Broadway show is a real smasher
                                                    3. the party went with a bang

                                                    Synonym:    smashsmasherstrikebang

                                                  3. the act of contacting one thing with another
                                                    1. repeated hitting raised a large bruise
                                                    2. after three misses she finally got a hit

                                                    Synonym:    hittingstriking

                                                  4. a connection made via the internet to another website
                                                    1. WordNet gets many hits from users worldwide

                                                  5. a murder carried out by an underworld syndicate
                                                    1. it has all the earmarks of a Mafia hit

                                                  6. a dose of a narcotic drug

                                                    1. (physics) a brief event in which two or more bodies come together
                                                      1. the collision of the particles resulted in an exchange of energy and a change of direction

                                                      Synonym:    collision


                                                    1. pay unsolicited and usually unwanted sexual attention to
                                                      1. He tries to hit on women in bars

                                                    2. gain points in a game
                                                      1. The home team scored many times
                                                      2. He hit a home run
                                                      3. He hit .300 in the past season

                                                      Synonym:    scoretallyrack up

                                                    3. make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target
                                                      1. The Germans struck Poland on Sept. 1, 1939
                                                      2. We must strike the enemy's oil fields
                                                      3. in the fifth inning, the Giants struck, sending three runners home to win the game 5 to 2

                                                      Synonym:    strike

                                                    4. hit with a missile from a weapon

                                                        Synonym:    shootpip

                                                      1. hit the intended target or goal

                                                        1. consume to excess
                                                          1. hit the bottle

                                                        2. affect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely
                                                          1. We were hit by really bad weather
                                                          2. He was stricken with cancer when he was still a teenager
                                                          3. The earthquake struck at midnight

                                                          Synonym:    strike

                                                        3. produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically
                                                          1. The pianist strikes a middle C
                                                          2. strike `z' on the keyboard
                                                          3. her comments struck a sour note

                                                          Synonym:    strike

                                                        4. hit against
                                                          1. The car hit a tree
                                                          2. He struck the table with his elbow

                                                          Synonym:    strikeimpinge onrun intocollide with

                                                        5. deal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument
                                                          1. He hit her hard in the face

                                                        6. cause to move by striking
                                                          1. hit a ball

                                                        7. reach a point in time, or a certain state or level
                                                          1. The thermometer hit 100 degrees
                                                          2. This car can reach a speed of 140 miles per hour

                                                          Synonym:    reachattain

                                                        8. reach a destination, either real or abstract
                                                          1. We hit Detroit by noon
                                                          2. The water reached the doorstep
                                                          3. We barely made it to the finish line
                                                          4. I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts

                                                          Synonym:    reachmakeattainarrive atgain

                                                        9. drive something violently into a location
                                                          1. he hit his fist on the table
                                                          2. she struck her head on the low ceiling

                                                          Synonym:    strike

                                                        10. cause to experience suddenly
                                                          1. Panic struck me
                                                          2. An interesting idea hit her
                                                          3. A thought came to me
                                                          4. The thought struck terror in our minds
                                                          5. They were struck with fear

                                                          Synonym:    strikecome to

                                                        11. encounter by chance
                                                          1. I stumbled across a long-lost cousin last night in a restaurant

                                                          Synonym:    stumble

                                                        12. kill intentionally and with premeditation
                                                          1. The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered

                                                          Synonym:    murderslaydispatchbump offoffpolish offremove