VERB 不顾;不理;忽视 If you ignore someone or something, you pay no attention to them.
She said her husband ignored her... 她说丈夫不关心她。
The government had ignored his views on the subject... 政府没有理睬他对这一问题的看法。
She ignored legal advice to drop the case... 她没有理睬律师关于放弃诉讼的建议。
For two decades her theatrical talents were ignored by the film industry. 她的舞台表演天赋在电影行业中被埋没了 20 年。
VERB 忽略;忽视 If you say that an argument or theory ignores an important aspect of a situation, you are criticizing it because it fails to consider that aspect or to take it into account.
Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lay. 这些争论忽略了最终责任由谁来负的问题。
He ignores come-ons from the many women who seem to find him attractive. 很多女人似乎都觉得他很有魅力,而他对她们的挑逗却视而不见。
He believes that his records speak for themselves and ignores those who diss him. 他相信他的记录会说明一切,并不理会那些对他不敬的人。
He ignores the traditional Christian dualism between body and soul. 他无视传统基督教的肉体与灵魂的二元论。
But this ignores that introverts have several strengths that are helpful in business. 但这种现象却忽视了一个事实&其实内向性格者的许多优势对公司来说也非常有用。
This process is quite simple, but ignores the internal structure of the XML documents. 此过程非常简单,但是忽略了XML文档的内部结构。
It ignores the time value of money& the discount rate. 它忽略了金钱的时间价值&折扣率。
Note: This process ignores user-space needs, which I address later. 注意:这个过程忽略了用户空间的需求,我将稍后介绍。
Ultimately, both issues arise because XM ignores Eclipse resource management. 最终,这两个问题表现为XM忽略了Eclipse的资源管理。
Our model ignores this cost because a HTTP GET request is assumed. 我们的模型忽视了这一开销,因为模型假定使用了一个HTTPGET请求。
This ignores some salient facts. 这一做法忽视了一些突出的事实。
Much to a regret, Giddens somewhat ignores the problem of imparity in the course of modernity globalization. 吉登斯对全球化的思考很有价值,但他对“现代性的全球化”过程中的不平等性等有所忽略。
At the same time, the teacher-student relationship, it ignores the leading role of the teacher. 同时,在师生关系中,它忽略了教师的主导作用。
The problem with this argument is that it ignores the financial stability issues associated with large exchange rate changes. 这个论点却忽略了大幅度的汇率调整对金融稳定的影响。
This approach ignores the uninterruptible nature of history and evolution. 这种方法忽略了从不间断的自然历史和演变。
The parlance of Zoology-Central ignores the humankinds 'initiative and creativity, and may be wrong in some certain. 生态中心论的提法忽视了人类的主动性和创造性,有些矫枉过正。
This approach ignores the complexity of modern business. 这种方法忽视了现代商业的复杂性。
Economic nationalism, in effect, ignores those connections. 经济民族主义实际上忽视了这些联系。
The model they have used accounts for in-model risk but ignores off-model risk. 他们所使用的模型考虑了模型涵盖的风险,但忽略了模型未计入的风险。
Type deduction ignores implicit conversions and coercions. 类型推导忽略隐式转换和强制。
The argument ignores the problem of acute collective action. 它忽视了短期集体行动的问题。
She ignores the vital question of pace. 她忽略了最紧要的速度问题。
It ignores out history. 他忽视了历史。
However, the theory ignores the interaction between the electron and a quantized electromagnetic field. 不过,该理论忽略了电子与量子化的电磁场之间的相互作用。
This is clever, but it ignores two fundamental problems. 这很聪明,但它忽略了两个根本问题。
This is encouraging, but it ignores several factors. 这是鼓舞人心的,但它忽视了几个因素。
Such an education almost entirely ignores the emotions of life. 这种教育几乎完全忽视了人生的情感因素。
However, it ignores the two restrictive factors: limited information and limited enforcement. 然而它忽略了两大限制性因素:有限信息与有限实施。
But that ignores the necessity for sufficient deficit reduction to win market confidence and thereby avoid crippling interest rates. 但这忽视了削减足够多的赤字以赢得市场信心、从而避免利率达到有害水平的必要性。
Yet this simple arithmetic ignores an offsetting effect: diminishing marginal returns. 然而,这种简单的算法忽略了一种抵消效应:边际收益递减。
But this ignores perfectly sensible reasons for the differences. 但这完全忽视了造成上述差距的合理因素。