
英 [ɪmˈprɪznɪŋ] 美 [ɪmˈprɪznɪŋ]

v.  监禁; 关押


  1. VERB 关押;监禁
    If someone is imprisoned, they are locked up or kept somewhere, usually in prison as a punishment for a crime or for political opposition.
    1. The local priest was imprisoned for 18 months on charges of anti-state agitation...
      当地牧师由于受到煽动反对政府的指控而被监禁 18 个月。
    2. Dutch colonial authorities imprisoned him for his part in the independence movement.


  1. The specter of loneliness and its share of frustrations are so many arrows that mystifies love in imprisoning life.
  2. The imprisoning itself was bad enough for me.
  3. It is the Hawaiian Ancestors observation that the current economy is imprisoning people through the greed of the banks as well as the investors.
  4. When we condemn others we are chained to them, jailing them and imprisoning ourselves.
  5. You are imprisoning him in the shackles of close friendship
  6. Celebrate your divinity and celebrate that you have power over the very things you think are imprisoning you right now.
  7. The Norwegian teenager Jon Johansen also got to enjoy the effect of the DMCA when the US government pushed the Norwegian government into imprisoning him.
  8. If you do not forgive you are keeping another person in prison and imprisoning yourself as well.
  9. Both tragedies resulted from corruption and lack of regulatory control that the state subsequently sought to cover up by suppressing press stories and imprisoning the parents of affected children.
  10. A "never give up" stance makes sense if a vicious enemy is bearing down on you with the intent of killing or imprisoning all your people.
  11. Imprisoning journalists-that's for other countries, that's for countries who fear their citizens, not countries that cherish and protect them.
  12. Pray for their quick release, and that those responsible for imprisoning them will swiftly be brought to justice.
  13. Leaf through the management journals and you will soon learn that imprisoning capital and talent inside large organisations is an outdated way of doing things, forcing otherwise creative people into a bureaucratic arm-lock.
  14. While past periods of extreme economic dislocation have often yielded demands for radical change, both Greece and Italy have installed technocratic prime ministers who are focused on correcting the past failures of government rather than imprisoning bankers.
  15. His calls for dialogue and reform have rung hollow while he is imprisoning, torturing, and slaughtering his own people.
  16. As each Bodhisattva moves forth into the next phase of work and embodies the seventh octave of love, they too will free themselves of all forms of imprisoning thought forms in their life experience.
  17. I fear worse things even than the imprisoning of the king's brother.
  18. The king cinched his party's victory in the election by imprisoning the opposition leaders.
  19. In the 2007 The Simpsons Movie, he invents a drill that can drill through anything, only to discover it is on the wrong side of the glass dome imprisoning the town.
  20. There are conflicts between imprisoning correction and the aim of modern penalty, for the sake of much shortcomings of imprisoning correction.