
n.  难接近(达到,得到)

BNC.33092 / COCA.29982


  1. ADJ-GRADED 达不到的;难到达的;不可(或不易)进入的
    An inaccessible place is very difficult or impossible to reach.
    1. ...the remote, inaccessible areas of the Andes rainforests.
    2. The route took us through scenery quite inaccessible to the motorist.
  2. ADJ-GRADED 见不到的;不可使用的;买不到的
    If something is inaccessible, you are unable to see, use, or buy it.
    1. Ninety-five per cent of its magnificent collection will remain inaccessible to the public...
      其中 95% 的顶级收藏品仍不会向公众开放。
    2. We gained a rich supply of data which would normally be inaccessible.
  3. ADJ-GRADED 难懂的;无法理解的
    Someone or something that is inaccessible is difficult or impossible to understand or appreciate.
    1. A lot of contemporary music is virtually inaccessible.
    2. ...using language that is inaccessible to working people.


  1. We must better serve mountain communities often plagued by inaccessibility and fragile or poor agricultural ecosystems.
  2. The hilltop church attracted good congregations, in spite of its inaccessibility.
  3. It grew out of an arsenal established in Springfield by the Revolutionary government in1777, the site being chosen partly for its inaccessibility to British forces.
  4. Always inaccessibility satisfaction effect, and common recrudescence.
  5. The problem, according to Mr Hardberger, is San Antonio's comparative inaccessibility by air.
  6. The inaccessibility to scientists of glaciers concentrated in northern Bhutan, where roads need to be built, adds to these problems.
  7. The developments of Internet make information retrieval more convenient, but the inaccessibility of Web citation also follows.
  8. But the inaccessibility of doctors makes early detection more difficult.
  9. It points out that the disadvantages of marine buried pipeline lie in the difficulty in construction, dear cost, inaccessibility to repair and over bending stress that it may cause.
  10. Conclusion Malaria treatment seeking behavior is inappropriate in Wa ethnic. The barrier is inaccessibility in economic, geography, knowledge and technical.
  11. In the open, because influence of weather and barrier, the sensors which working based on the physics domino offect will engender great measure error when they detect the signal of light, heat and electricity. It is inaccessibility to the request of application.
  12. Ponderation over the Perfection of Legislation on Legal Competitive Profession Inaccessibility
  13. It is difficult to directly employ the GPS owing to the inaccessibility of the ellipsoidal parameters and projection parameters of the independent coordinate systems.
  14. The obstacles of scaling up bed net use were economic, social and geographical inaccessibility.
  15. So, it was inaccessibility to suit efficiency to assembly line.
  16. Meanwhile, the large amount of manure produced from intensive cattle husbandry polluted severely soil, water and air around the intensive cattle farm without effective treatment and reasonable utilization, which would lead to the inaccessibility of sustainable development of animal husbandry.
  17. The inaccessibility of those two kinds of information would make the schema difficult to establish and unable to perceive the humor effect.
  18. The difficulty of texture image segmentation is that the result of image segmentation is good in region homogenous and edge segmentation at the same time, the methods existed are inaccessibility in these two aspects.
  19. However, it exists the complex characteristics of wetland habitats due to the wetland locating between land and water bodies, and it is well known that inaccessibility to wetlands often causes a large difficulty to do wetland research.
  20. Var Russ balance is usually thought by people the ideal situation in the economic movement, but in the real life, the supplies and the demand often inaccessibility var Russ balance, economic more performance for non-balance running stations.
  21. Conflict talk study has not received due attention for a long time in linguistics field due to the inaccessibility of the data and other restrictions.



  1. the quality of not being available when needed

      Synonym:    unavailability