To verify the curative effect of He-Ne laser in the treatment of acne indurate cystica. 目的:验证氦氖激光治疗结节囊肿性痤疮的疗效。
The sculpture was so realistic that it seemed that at any moment the indurate marble form. 雕塑是如此的真实,它似乎在任何时刻,用坚硬的大理石形式变换立场,回视观众。
( P < 0.01) Conclusion Ultrashort wave and ultraviolet therapy is effective in treatment of acne indurate cystica, and there was no side effect in the treatment. 结论超短波加紫外线治疗结节囊肿性痤疮疗效满意且无副作用。
A 32-year-old male presented with a 2-year history of some red indurate patches with itch on his legs. 患者男,32岁。其双下肢起红斑、发硬伴瘙痒2年。
The glandular organ of prostate gland adheres to the surrounding tissue, kermesinus or yellow, slightly hard in quality, or obviously indurate. 其前列腺腺体普遍与周围组织粘连,腺体呈暗红色或棕黄色,质稍硬,或有明显的硬结。